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Do Police Target Black People?

Published on 22 Mar 2023 / In People & Blogs

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Lucifer333 1 year ago

you are just a weak faggot, I mean.. if you want a white etnostate , just say it, dont be a faggot with all kinds of fake justifications,..., just say "I WANT AN ETNO STATE"... I dont even care WHY... its your right to want what you want... the only reason why you do this to counter some lefty shaming shit, .... and lefty shamy shit works on you since you went out of your way to seek this dumb justification

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Lucifer333 1 year ago

America does not even make the top 20

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AbyssWatcher 1 year ago

police target black people; the ones of integrity; well...any man of integrityy. When single mothers put men on child support or divorce their husbands, do you think the government would do anything to those men if they weren't financially responsible? Not long ago, I asked a girl out who had been low key showing interest over me for 6 months. Did nothing but got fired because i had sent her a text to console her; eventhough she was the one who rejected me; lols

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EuroGaNationalist 1 year ago

This is not a racial issue, the government is gynocentric and is anti male. You don’t think they also incentivize white women to divorce white men. The goal is to transfer wealth from men to women because women are the biggest net consumers. I’m assuming you’re African American right? African Americans fall under the thumb of government programs more often because they have the tendency to do so. No one is forcing them into welfare programs, they just are because that sub race is ran by women and women with no leadership get their security from government institutions that provide for them while they date and raise bastard spawns with thuggos and continue this cycle of having low iq children with men who don’t stick around and riding off the backs of good hard working men

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AbyssWatcher 1 year ago

@EuroGaNationalist: African american men do not get government benefits. Black women, other ethnicities of women and lgbtq+ are the ones who get the benefits. how many black men or thugs...do you know that are receiving section 8 or ebt assistance regularly? It's the black females getting it; and yes the government grants for college too. Black men in general can't get into welfare programs lols. Sub race?? How can you call this people a sub race...when often times they are the ones who get their organs hrvested the most because they are durable; also, last i checked...now the sperm of a decent black man....costs 2,000 dollars a pop in the fertility clincs...and the wait time to get it...is almost 2 fucking years. There is a lot more i would like to say but I will I end this post with this question...If blacks are a sub race...why is the US societytrying to keep the righteous black men from taking their resources overseas to find a non western female who is wife material?

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EuroGaNationalist 1 year ago

@AbyssWatcher: One I don’t think you know what sub race means. I’m not calling “African Americans,” a sub human race, I’m saying sub race as in they are an ethnicity who are admixed who are basically a sub race of mixed people in the world. They are practically a new race of people. Two, the us society doesn’t care about African American men going overseas, the only people who really talk about it are African American women and the few white women who are jungle whores

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AbyssWatcher 1 year ago

@EuroGaNationalist: Okay, lets leave that sub race thing out. You say that the society does not care if African men leave the USA with their resources. If that was the case, why has fox news gone out of their way...to slander good black men who do not want to deal with evil westernized females?? I trust you are aware men pay the most taxes world wide; also....54% of black men are single and childless; 19% of black males(the pookies and thugs) are responsible for more than 70% of all children born from black men. When that 54% wh are single and childless take their resources, migrate to another country and create a family in that country; I wonder where the US governem is going to get the money to fund the bastards of these single mothers. Do you seriously think that the US government...is just going to let their previous tax slaves go away to a place where they will be happy?? HAHAHAHA

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EuroGaNationalist 1 year ago

@AbyssWatcher: I wouldn’t call African American men African since they aren’t African and are way different but the media is ultimately a corporation that talks about topics to gauge people’s attention. Now don’t get me wrong, if the decent African American men in this nation who are positive net tax payers leave the country, it hurts them because then you are left with the leeches who don’t provide anything to society. Now African American men are talked about more often because they are the main demographic in this movement. There are white guys a part of it but it’s not as public because white females are not in as much of an uproar as African American women and the media doesn’t care about white issues.

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Lucifer333 1 year ago

@EuroGaNationalist: American Negros, and most blacks are mixed (Obama, so they are just as European as they are African)... anyway,.., police have qualified immunity so they can do whatever they want to whomever aslong as they say "I was acting in good faith"

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EuroGaNationalist 1 year ago

@Lucifer333: Obama is not an American black, stop conflating people’s identities. Black Americans or African Americans are an ethnic sub race of people who descend primarily from African slaves in America and blacks in America and are an admixed population. Obama is 400 years seperated from them. Obama is a Mulatto Mutt of half Kenyan half European descent. Just because African Americans are mixed doesn’t make them the same people. They are mixed with different things and have developed within america by reproducing with each other.

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Lucifer333 1 year ago

@EuroGaNationalist: Obama is an American,..and he is caramel, he identifies as black, (so he is basicly shitting on 50% of his heratige..) Europeans are not a single race, nor are Africans, I know yankees dont have a tribal identity so everyhting is either white/black, but this is not my problem

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EuroGaNationalist 1 year ago

@Lucifer333: Still not an African American, America doesn’t decide someone’s race

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Lucifer333 1 year ago

@EuroGaNationalist: I didnt make up these name designations, and racial designations are stupid, (its about tribes/folk) but you yanks dont know better,

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