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Divorce Corp.

Published on 08 May 2021 / In Film & Animation


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NerokeFive 1 month ago

Strange that Drew Pinsky Narrated this! Hos daughter openly participated in a blatantly dishonest podcast called #Cult that was so full or lies that the creator (SHOCKINGLY (Sarcasm font) blocked both comments and ratings on YouTube

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Drums_McBashington 1 month ago

Had to look him up. I've seen his face, that's about it. Did he get screwed in divorce?

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NerokeFive 30 days ago

@Drums_McBashington: He Narrated the video! Paulina Pinsky is Drew's Daughter I think him and some stunned idiot named Mike Fallack did the Anti MGTOW podcast called Hashtag #Cult. Drew himself didn't get screwed! ALSO his daughter? Is literally the Thick Frame Glass, Multi Coloured Hair 250lb Land Whale that you would associate with Feminists

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NerokeFive 30 days ago

@Drums_McBashington: I also have to point out that the Drug Rehab Community is INFESTED with Feminists. In fact in womens facilities if you want to work there your degree in drug counselling MUST INCLUDE a segment in Gender Studies

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Drums_McBashington 30 days ago

@NerokeFive: Ya I understood that part about the narration. Didn't realize he was the Dr. Drew TV guy. They're all just Marcus Welby to me. "I'm not a real a doctor, but I play one on TV..." anyway, feminism/leftism is the new religion. Sally Ann would make you sing for your supper, listen to the Major's sermon, same for the justice brigade, no help until you learn your lesson and repeat the new truth.

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Drums_McBashington 30 days ago

Plus they have to make those degrees worth something. They are too pointless as they are. People are catching on. Place in Sweden or Norway got defunded and shuttered after some comedian made a doc. Proved they were pointless.

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TelepathicRapist 4 months ago

This should be required viewing for any person considering marriage in the United states. You can clearly see that the family court is essentially not constitutional. Your fate, and the fate of your children can end up in the hands of a corrupt judge, who has essentially unlimited authority without being checked by a jury. If you ever wonder why America has the highest rate of single mothers in the world with the exception of a few war torn nations in Africa, this will show you why. The only thing I wished they touched on further is prenuptial agreements. It is important to understand that simply having a child in the United states puts you in the jurisdiction of these non constitutional courts. The founding fathers are rolling in their Graves. This is truly despicable. They have broken the family unit and have caused so much dysfunction in this society I don't know if it's possible any longer to recover this country back to its former glory. These shameful judges and lawyers sit there and acknowledge the problems and yet continue to profit off of the system. It just shows you how deranged some people can be to not even realize the level of hypocrisy they exude. It just shows you even NPCs can be judges and lawyers too.

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Drums_McBashington 4 months ago

Yep. Those jobs used to be filled with people of integrity, lawyers, judges, cops, doctors, pillars of the community. People that actually wanted to help, make a difference, preserve law & order, create a better world. Now filled with people chasing greed, couldn't care less about the system or the people it represents, just want to get what they can and run.

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TheRedKnight 11 months ago

Yoooo I tried to archive this and couldn't. Good looking out :)

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