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Climate Change Is The Ultimate Jew Scam

896 المشاهدات
Alpha Male Lifestyle
نشرت في 16 Aug 2022 / في الناس والمدونات

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Emre منذ 2 سنوات

A Lebanese woman slept with more than a hundred guys and the first time when she was 13 years old

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Emre منذ 2 سنوات

Study: Many women value a like more than a compliment from their partner. You can translate the German website into English via Google.

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Downloaded - Stuck on loop, and replayed for 20 or 30 times.

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JohnDeschain منذ 2 سنوات

Great video, exposing the reality for what it actually is!

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4_ArchAngel منذ 2 سنوات

Its over Amr. The Chinese have got it all. I just mentioned the name XI and I was spam muted. Getting out of the west is right. They have it sewn up.

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4_ArchAngel منذ 2 سنوات

555alx doesn't like my comment just because he is a CCP troll?

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a123321a منذ 2 سنوات

Wow, legendary video Amr! This video covers a lot of the most important topics when it comes to the Jews... control by usury, central banking, cultural decline, parasitical deviant behavior (like women), science, "climate change", Big Tech, controlled-opposition Zionist Goyim (like Trump), and other methods. We can all be thankful that at least the owner of MGTOW.TV is not blue-pilled when it comes to the Jews.

Many people, in the right wing of the West especially, are brainwashed by Zionists (like Trump, Alex Jones, Bannon, etc) - and I myself was one for a time, but thank God I finally saw the light. Dr. E Michael Jones, Roosh V , and others helped tremendously with this, and I encourage anyone who wishes to learn more about the JQ to review their work. FYI, also I believe that by Mr. Mustache's own standards you would not have technically qualified as "jewish" Amr, as one needed more than one jewish grandparent (>25%) to be sent to the Holohoax.

The only part I question is the "Ashkenazi jews, et are not the real Jews". I've been seeing a lot of this commentary on other platforms recently as well. I'm wondering if this isn't just another jew trick to provide cover for the rest of the Jews who are not in said group - so that the Goyim won't eventually turn on the rest of the so-called "less-evil", or "good" jews (if any exist), if the time comes. By separating the good from bad it kind of leaves an out, not only most of the jews, but the remaining Zionist Goyim, like Trump, GOP, etc to continue to believe in "God's Chosen" Zionist jewish power, supporting the "less-evil" jews, which will end up sabotaging the Goyim in the end anyway. Lump them all into the same group as far as I'm concerned. The Jewish creation of the Talmud alone should curse all jews, regardless of whether they are Talmudic, or whatever TF. Doesn't matter, the Goyim don't have time to sort them out.

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