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Boy Scouts are FINISHED! This is the NAIL in their coffin Redacted with Clayton Morris

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Publicado en 09 May 2024 / En Personas y blogs

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The Boy Scouts of America, after battling decades of sexual abuse claims, are now trying something different. This is the end of the Scouts.

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WMHarrison94 24 días hace

Yeah... they have destroyed all male spaces except religious ones because of Religious Freedoms of the First Amendment. They fear (toxic) masculinity because we are opinionated based on experience, logic, and reason... therefore, we can't be brain washed as easily as women, er bitches. It's hard to know what a woman is as they keep changing the definitions of words...

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NerokeFive 23 días hace

They’ve tried to get into MGTOW and haven’t and won’t

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WMHarrison94 23 días hace

@NerokeFive: yes and no. They are here, but each man is his own leader. There's no [insert paid shill here] leader to lead us back to the plantation... hence we are philosophical not ideological nor are were blind follows like the females... hence, we "are the current terrorist" threat to the "Democracy".... except their "demoncracy" is communist dystopia.

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NerokeFive 22 días hace

@WMHarrison94: You’re referring to The Blue Pill (man bun) Manosphere idiots right? Those guys sperg the fuck out the moment you point out a few basic concepts about MGTOW. As you know the highly individualistic nature of MGTOW means that there’s not many and they’re obvious when they’re told to a fellow because they’re so obvious. These idiots will argue to death with me about them though

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