
Australia - its time

55 Vues
Publié le 10 Feb 2023 / Dans Film et animation

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Francis_UD 1 an depuis

Thanks for the heads-up mate..

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TripeSwing 1 an depuis

ever heard of Aussie alto sax phenom Andrew Speight?

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Who? "Well Hello from Bumbfuck Nowhere Australia" - Totally serious here..... The newspapers are full of deceit - I stopped bying them decades ago.... There are almost NO places up here to come across even a freshly read on that has been left behind by someone else - to read for free... So there is no "What is on this week end / entertainment / shows in town / anything in the big city or reigonal cities, 550 K and 250 - 300 Kround trip respectively, The TV networks - I could not kill these mass murdering low IQ lying fucks fast enough if I could - AND I stopped watching that retarded shit from about 40 years ago and have not owned one for 12 years... Google NEWS is a pack of fucking lies... Oh Orane Man Bad - 55 stories on how the evil one patted a dog and one story on how he tied up his shoe lace... Google can permanently get fucked on that score.... AND the rest of them it's just ALL global homo / DRM / Have a Vaxx Mate! bare faced lying and low IQ bias and lies... So no I almost never hear of anything about anyone... OK have a look see... and Hmmmmmm OK there is an enormous amount of music.... AND I am not a real fan of any genrea (John Ra) - there is enormous amounts of really good music by quillions of people and bands and all that - all around the world... Had a listen for a minute or two and got into the groove and started to enjoy it... OK I used to repair locomoives in the railways... after they center punch trucks on level crossings... The old Hungarian guy walks out with a bean tin with a wire handle and a bit of paint and a paint brush - dabs a few scrape marks on the front of the loco - and the whole truck has been reduced to scrap... Seen plenty of that. Speight fucked up - he CUED across a level crossing - NEVER EVER EVER do that shit... EVER.... "The fatal collision was reported around 1:40 p.m. Thursday near the Broadway Caltrain station in Burlingame. According to the commuter rail line, a motorist drove onto the tracks, got stuck and was struck by a southbound train and then by a northbound train." A good video of he crash

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An hour or two down the track.... a faint recollection... It's too nebulous... it's a bit like asking what did I have for lunch on 12th June 1973.... Probably the best answer is Probably no - never heard of him... but the name and perhaps I saw him in an interview and a brief TV appearance on some TV show in Australia... 15 - 20 years ago for 3 to 5 minutes.. maybe - maybe not...

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I hada faint recollection of this over pass / under pass being put in a long time ago... too... I can't remember why though. But there is a white shipping container there and it has what appears to be BIG power cables leading too it and a K or so up the road is a sign to Bootu Creek - a closed road to a mine ------ ----------------- And the mine sign - it's hard to date it exactly - looks to be about 8 to 12 years old and since the mine closure say 2 or so years back it hasn't been maintained and is slowly fading as the sun bleaches it's pigment out.

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