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Are Ladies Finally Regretting Feminism? (Breakdown) Wanting The Benefits Without Responsibility

Published on 03 Feb 2022 / In Entertainment

TikTok Tik Tok Compilation Breakdown regretting or backlash to having to enlist in the draft.
#Analysis #Reaction #Reacts

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profhugodegaris 2 years ago

NYC greenT shirt lady, ... (near the 4 minute mark of this video)
the masculists will not tolerate that you live off the labor and money of a man for decades of his life, making you a hated manslaver. If you keep doing that to men, we will kill you. Manslavery is a much bigger issue than negro slavery was in the US in the 1800s, and a war issue to masculists, because there are several Billion manslaves in the world today, whom the masculists are out to liberate. Fluffie manslaving parasites like you are the enemy, to be wiped out, by being forced to rot on the shelf, manless, loveless, sexless, babyless, and spat at for being manslaving vermin.

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