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Warhammer Finally Goes Woke

Published on 16 Apr 2024 / In Gaming

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We all knew this was coming.

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WMHarrison94 3 months ago

What? The system is not moral? It is either just or not. Right now, it is not. People are moral bro. Don't fool yourself.

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Furioso 3 months ago

Why ? Shareholders (Vanguard ,Blackrock) ESG ,DEI .Comprende ?

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NerokeFive 3 months ago

Dude you should read some of the Autistic screaming that comes up when you point this out. And yes I do believe Blackrock owns 11% of GW Stock

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Toki 3 months ago

You keep giving them money for their gatcha games. All I know is TW Warhammer is a scam of DLCs and DRM.
What's the deal with females anyways? Looking at that art what's the problem? She could use skimpier sleek armor design for sure. But so long as they are sexy it's all good right? It is fiction after all. I'm guessing the shit American corporation won't make them sexy though.

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