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12 vistas
Publicado en 29 Jul 2023 / En Personas y blogs

Philosopher Stefan Molyneux takes you on a wild ride through the most essential truths that set you free!

Good evening, hope it is ok that I post this now, since I won't make it to the actual Livestream. You recently talked about self destructive thoughts. Mine would be that nobody would ever care what I have to say anyway so I never do anything. I know this comes from neglect but how what would be your suggestion to deal with it? I can't talk to my parents since they disowned and slandered me after I confronted them. If this topic is "finished" for you, so to say, just ignore the question. Thank you.

Many of our problems and issues arise from a kind of nit-picking tendency towards coming up with explanations for why our problems are insurmountable. Having been a drug addict, and therefore having known dozens of addicts, I can sniff out bullshit excuses before they are even spoken. A difficult part of me taking my life back was striking a delicate balance between being forgiving of myself while also demanding progress from myself. What are you thoughts on this?

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