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49 Visualizações
Publicado em 09 Feb 2023 / Em Outro

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WMHarrison94 1 Ano atrás

I believe it. I have long known the Catholic Church was infiltrated and how do you say "LYING" for centuries... I can trace some of it to the Hellfire Club, my heroes! Church said you could not whore and play poker; so French aristocrats built tunnels connected to underground caves to whore and play poker safely out of sight of the Church. And yet, the Church found them. How? Pussy I believe. You see priests were not devoted to God as they said and were far too familiar with the smell of pussy and well female's ejaculate or cum. They could tell the nobility was getting off and bitches were coming a lot. They did not bath like we do today and after a whore cums on you, that smell lingers for about three days. I know from personal experience and other whores pick up that scent faster than fly on shit. The Devil's in the Detail, but the Catholic Church was sort of usurped right as it took off as I believe Mary Magdalene was supposed to be the leader as Christ's wife for she knew what Christ was and John later tried to write it, but Christ knew this is why Simon is the Peter, the Rock the Church is built upon and ironically, the papacy as they claim.

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