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A Masculine Man & His Feminine Woman

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Publié le 01 Jan 2024 / Dans Personnes et Blogs

A Masculine Man & His Feminine Woman

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Toki 5 mois depuis

When I want to see a masculine father and a feminine mother. Or a masculine protag, and a feminine sidekick. I seek out fiction for this. Non-fiction it's the other way around. Study your intellectual superiors overseas creating submissive feminine waifus. They aren't even talking to the Asian woman anymore despite the myth of Asian women being good submissive housewives. They aren't. They are con artists just like the rest.
You also won't find masculine men and feminine women in Western fiction of today. Older media escapism sure. But not anything new that's big budget.
When I have to see couples in public I witness females dominating the males. It's pathetic. It's not even the worth the effort trying to fix it when real women have shown who they really are. Plus my family and relatives proving my point. My sister had 3 kids with one bad boy who has since killed himself due to child support. Now she has a pet negro raising that other man's Caucasian kids lol. Most people would be fooled by my sister's fake nice personality. But I observe her warpath and cut all ties with her. The bitch is riding off my tax dollars and she's a useless manager for a company that exploits elderly people. I'm a productive working man that gets real work done while she plays on her phone at work all day in a welfare style job being what we call a "manager." More like a freeloader and a manipulator. My female cousins are the same as well. Warpaths in their wake with destroyed men. Aunts also. I have about 10 uncles and only one is still in a normal marriage without corruption.
You might as well just take up gambling if you want to mess around with these females.

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