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A Big Thank You

Published on 17 Jan 2023 / In People & Blogs

Thank you to everyone who has decided to support the channel!





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Yeah well we need you, we need each other and we all need all of us....
A lot of people are easily distracted by the flavour of the day - kind of like that carefully engineered program called "Teletubbies" - pop a kid in front of that and they are instantly transfixed by the whole shit show....
So when new content creators turn up - everyone goes "Oh wow, golly - look at that!"
And everyone working in the back ground pushing out content - gets side lined and sort of vanish into obscurity.
Don't feel too overwhelmed by it...
It's all a bit of a balancing act - too much, too often and people get jaded, and too little too far apart and people forget about you.

Just make at least one REALLY good show a week and that is enough... Some times more, some times less...

It's a bit like messages by "Crazy Sales - Super Specials" by email - one a month is too little and too far apart and 10 emails a day is considered to be spamming and obnoxious... But ONE decent email a week, showing the specials for that week - is enough....

It's the same kind of thing

But being topical - and events are evolving - there is scope to vary this quite a bit, depending up on what is going on.

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