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252 Masculisting the MGTOWs (Masculism MGTOW)

24 Vues
Publié le 15 Oct 2021 / Dans Organismes à but non lucratif et activisme

de Garis Masculist MGTOW Flyers
Flyer No. 252
Title : Masculisting the MGTOWs
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Book : “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 300+ Masculist Flyers for Men’s Studies Courses” by Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garis, (freely downloadable, in MS Word format, from)
Descr : This flyer imagines a dialog between the author, and a well informed MGTOW YouTube content provider, trying to convert him away from passive apolitical MGTOWism to angry politically active, and effective, masculism. The exchange is rather blunt, pulling no punches.

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