
The 10 Minute - Seven Cent - DIY Hair Cut

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Publicado em 12 Nov 2023 / Em Filme & Animação


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Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson 7 meses atrás  

A repost from here - and my comment is about fiscal intelligence.....

This is why you avoid women who are cum dumps and financial black holes.

So when you do the maths on everything - you can get smart really quick.


She Feels Frustrated Without A man...

That first bitch sniveling about a guy dining at the take away....


You know, if it comes down to eating out - I'd rather eat a DECENT hamburger with the lot (Aussie super food) and a large cuppachino for $25, from a GOOD truck stop...

There is no fucking way, I would be paying for her to feed her face, at my expense, at $100 - $200+ a head... just for her.

It's just food - it keeps you alive and running.

BUT since when dining out in Bumfuck Nowhere, it's actually better to buy some meat, eggs, bacon, pineapple slices, tomatoes, cheese, lettuce, some buns etc., to make your own hamburgers with the lot, and get some fruit for desert, and mix up some coffee powder and milk powder, and spend up on that and get 3 really good nutritional meals for 2 people for $40 all up.

Any woman who is stupid enough to piss away YOUR MONEY, on expensive shit, is not a frugal and sane person, with deep financial savvy....

And you are a fucking dumb arse for feeding up a freeloading fuckwit.

The maths:

10 meals a year at $200 a head for two = $4,000

10 meals a year at $25 a head from the truck stop for two = $500

10 meals a year doing DIY on the electric BBQ's in the park for two = $100.

That means I will have spent $100 on 20 meals, and have $3900 in the bank to save and to spend on other things, that I do need, and not just on a fat ingrate bitch who has nothing to bring to the table.

That is like $200 a year on servicing the car, and $500 in fuel = nearly 4,000 Km of traveling.

I am still $3200 in front.

And the fuel gets me 10 major trips to a regional city - where food is like $300 a trip, compared to Bumfuck Nowhere, where it costs like $900.

So 10 x $300 + 10 x $50 in fuel = $3500 - shopping in a regional city, compared to 10 x $900 for grocery shopping in Bumfuck Nowhere = $9,000.

So I am saving big time there.....

So budgeting really tightly on the dining out, gives me a lot of cash, to save even more cash on the groceries...

And that freeloading fucking dumb bitch wants guys to piss away money on her, and she is nothing more than retarded fuck hole?

Any woman that expects you to pay up big time for her?

Tell her, "Paying a good prostitute for sex, is money well spent, compared to dating you, because your just really expensive, a totally shit date, and a waste of my good time."

Before you get up and walk out / hang up / ghost her.

I hope those who read this - obtain benefit from what I have written.

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JPPW 7 meses atrás

Thank you for the budget ball shaving tutorial.

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To conserve the formatting - I reposed a comment on fiscal sensitivity training.

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^^^^^^^ look up.

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