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21st Century: The Reproductive Liberation of Men by Dave Thomas

Artifical wombs, surrogacy and new emerging alternatives will define the big movement of this century.

In my previous article I talked about how women face their potential decline or extinction thru replacement with new technologies. Let us expand on that.


The 20th century was defined by many ups and downs, important discoveries, events, protagonist and wordwide scale wars. Now everything seems more calm, even during this Pandemic, we see the results of highly modernized societies. In a previous Era, a Pandemic this size would have created riots not in three months, but in three days. Back in those times, we didn't have the Internet to communicate, we didn't have Amazon for deliveries, we didn't have state of the art automized lines of production that can be operated by very few people, or even remotely.

This crisis, on top of everything else, has shown us that good ideas, determination, hard work, are still essential for our survival. No matter what others might think, this success story is something possible thanks to all the men of this world working togheter and fighting for life itself. A world without men, is impossible, we have printed in our DNA the drivers for survival, even a city guy if pushed to the limits, he would eventually go back to that basic primal instinct and find ways to survive somehow. Those who don't will perish.

Intelligence, drive, motivation and risk, are what determines success in men, for women is a different story. Women have a good reason to look their best, to have friends, to increase social circles, to be outgoing. This female traits is what determines their true success, finding the right partner to enjoy protection, financial stability and the promise of a family life.

To this very day I've been surrounded by high performing professional women, the ones who did the family life I know and see how content they are with their lives, the ones who went for the liberal route, even when having many times more money and success, they are worst off and in some cases and have become miserable people with no outlook in life for the most part. Being only the favourite aunt with many pets back home, becoming the family caretaker of the elderly or the ones who are too young.

It may seem not that terrible to some, but while men can achieve a lot of their remaining goals even way into their late fourties, women have a different life, in wich their peers seem to have move on and have something to physically hold on to. While men seem to enjoy the spoils of their youthful days, banking on their respective careers or potential savings and good investments.

What is all that have to do with the reproductive liberation of men? Everything.  Men have no way out, we have to work, we have to somewhat succed to whatever scale we can, women can have a "backup guy", if we want a backup plan, we have to save, invest, create or invent it.
This hardcore reality for men works on our own benefit at the end, because we take no half measures, we can't take too much time out, we need to keep fighting, keep working, keep busy. This means if your single your whole life, no bondage has been put upon you or your assets, the conclusion from common sense is that, you have been able to achieve more than the others who were distracted and, instead of earning, losing to the current system of things.

The 20th century was the sexual liberation of women and the 21st century will be the reproductive liberation of men. Let us analyze, what this means, how does affect you, the choices you should make in the future and what to expect from the upcoming climate in the future of our world.

Giving back the apple of sin:

Since our inception we had a chaotic existence with the opposite sex. The fight of the sexes is a neverending one, since times inmemorial, we remember stories of betrayal, corruption, murder and the collapse of entire civilizations are connected to this natural dichotomy.
No matter how many tricks you have in the bag, how high you rank yourself in the scale, how succesful you perceive yourself being, no honest men will ever tell you everything is perfect between him and their partner, who can be be that blatanly dishonest?

This complex reality makes the idea of walking from the opposite sex, very alluring and cozy, no drama, no extra bills to pay, no status signaling, no inmense social circles to care about. Just you and your car.
When the incentive structure of current societies are so brutal to accommodate to the standards of modern western women, you get incels, grass eating men, frienzoned guys and eventually, men going their own way too. There's also good reason for it, beside the complicated relationship between men and the current gynocentrism, men can literally walk away from dating and such. Biologically speaking, we can.

Men go about their lives without caring much for fertility, this is because we don't have to. Men peak in their middle age, unlike women, we go down very slowly, so much that you get men who live the bachelors life for almost all their adult years, deciding in their much later years to give the whole "family thing" a try.
This is a unique advantage, most of the men who instead buying into their females coworkers mass hysteria of looking for a baby in their mid thirties, if they wait, we can get away with it, being able to be more well off in our older age, becoming successful parents who don't need to rent, take loans, mortgages, or any of the sort.

Men have no rush and we never did. Most of us are not rich millionaries who can get married in their lower ages, with not much to worry about, for the average guy, life is hard and having those family issues will only make things harder, focusing instead on yourself and caring for your future, will make you a more confident individual, who doesn't need to pretend to have status, money or class, you can earn it instead of lying about it.

Am I trying to tell you to be tradcon? Of course not, a bad deal is a bad deal no matter of much nice words you put around it. Instead I will present you with the reasons why we, are moving to a complete paradigm shift.

The client is always right:

Let us focus on the economics of this to understand the broad implications on the market. As this point the data suggests, that artificial reproduction options are not only increasing, also very profitable.

Market professionals, medical professionals, clinics and institutions are starting to get a heads up by now. The trends have definetly shifted, from couples making babies while they're young, to couples or single people making babies on their own when older with assistance given by new emerging and stablished medical technologies. These procedures are often expensive, specially for women, why are more expensive for them? Because women completely lose the ability to have kids after a certain age, while men don't experience this problem as badly. If a man changes habits, decide to pursue a healty life and keeps himself active, he can revert back to a younger age in the hormonal side of things, he can have the levels of a guy in his early adult years.
Eggs are numbered, they're produced in the inception of life itself and women lose them during their life, semen replenishes, doesn't have genetic decay like eggs do, unless you have a medical condition, wich is is very rare.

If men have the advantage, what does the market say about this? It says that if a new market in wich men also are presented with plenty of options to have families on their own is available, this will create a huge market explosion and more clients means more revenue.

So incentives create trends, also new trends create options and ventures wich investors will analyze and catch on to them in order to increase their profits, in the end you make the new trends to grow in propotion by adding competition and more options available within your economy.
This is the heart of or current system, the moment you make it possible for men, the money will follow suit and money follows money, so you can expect a snowball effect for it eventually.

Final words:

We're fastly moving into this a paradigm shift, no longer single moms will be the ones in charge of a household, a new upcoming generation of single dads is coming. Its predicted by a BBC article on the prediction models of Netherland Scientists, that we can expect the first working artificial womb in the next decade to be a reality.
As stated in my previous comment, this could mean a new and complete change on the way we plan our lives as men, filling our youth with freedom and the liberty to pursue our dreams and goals, and a complete avoidance of family life until much later on, once we can finally sit back and make sure we can give our children the best life they can get.

Comments 2

geoffers10 3 years ago
my greatest fear is ai will keep men imprisoned and females rule men being kept on farms for breeding purposes
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Igor MGTOW And Video Games
Great article
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