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You Can Survive Divorce | Grunt Speak Live


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Published on 24 Feb 2023 / In Comedy

Two long-time fans share their horror stories of divorce with the Crazy Drunk Uncles.
#GruntSpeakLive #RedSuppository #Divorce

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I am starting to believe the daemons, hell, & "The Devil" is just an elaborate metaphor for female nature, and that the book of revelation is a step by step playbook for exactly what happens when those semen demons control society; societal collapse. For evil to succeed, all it takes is for good men to do nothing.

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blackeagle 1 year ago

toyota originally was toyoda.

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ElGuason 1 year ago

@Maverick7508: Asa Akira - one of the best THOTs around.

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Good night

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Rickcoona 1 year ago

@slapmonkey: nice Sexratery

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