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You'd almost believe women are programmed by TikTok and the government against men.

Published on 12 Apr 2024 / In People & Blogs

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iljakfa 3 months ago

Most popular sex scene in baldur's gate 3 amongst leftist is sex with bear. Leftist think its some sex fantasy, stuck with bear in the forest.

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If Jana Hocking was a fast car, she could pass everything except a cask of wine and a VD clinic.

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Jana Hocking is a filthy old sex addict and booze guzzling junkie = Hocking is a full time drug fucked idiot.

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I got to about 9 minutes - and these women are so fucking stupid....

Hands over face, groan, "Fuck I don't believe this".

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Jesus fuck - these WOMEN are so fucking stupid....

"Man or a Bear?" ---- "Ummm Ummm Ummm - A Bear - Men are Scarey".

This is pathologicalimbicile's video, "Darwin Awards - Bears" .

Yeah women are so fucking stupid.... really fucking dense beyond comprehension.


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