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(WOW) Women Say Women Want To Be Blaque on Social Media? | How Social Media Made Women Undateable

Published on 02 Jun 2023 / In People & Blogs

With this video, we dive a little deeper into the impact social media has on women and why it makes them undateable. Shout out to@sofiathure7585 that did a social justice project taking a look at the dangers and negative impacts social media has on women of Generation Z! Modern Dating is confusing for men and women. Our videos are made for educational purposes.

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WMHarrison94 1 year ago

What happens when whores, err I mean women don't 't get their daily of dick? Refer to the beginning of this video... That penile injection literally is the world to them... Fucking cunts wasting their time on Twatter, InstantCuck, JewTube (hey, groomers got to groom,) FuckBook, SnatchShot, Tik the THOT, Grinder (err, wrong bitches), and Grabit... whatever. Onlywhores! Oh, they're still bitching? Somebody plug her mouth with a cock already!

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sauger1001 1 year ago

Women have been bamboozled by "the prince of the power of the air".

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