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Would Life Be Better If You Were A Woman? - MGTOW

Published on 05 Dec 2023 / In People & Blogs

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Roger. He didn't give me a topic so I wanted to cover a post on the men's rights subreddit called: "Do y'all feel like your life would be better if you were a woman?" Before reading the comments on that thread I decided to go through the pros and cons of being born with a cooch. We often hear that women live life on easy mode. But just how true is that. I'll start off with the negatives first and then move onto the positives. The first one is that women have way less testosterone so if you were a woman you wouldn't be able to work an concentrate as much as you can on something and have as much stamina or endurance. Another bad thing is the constant need to dump your negative emotions on someone else as a woman and need that emotional tampon support. While you're young and somewhat attractive finding men to friendzone to offer up such services is easy. As you get older it gets more difficult especially once a woman gets into her fifties and sixties and the men start to croak or they are already attached to other women like their wife. Plus most men once they get into their forties that are single are either negative towards women and know the game or they were broken by their ex wives. So after forty the chances of a guy marrying are less than 10%. Not because he doesn't want to marry but because he's lost a lot of his interest in women. Losing that interest means he's not as likely to put himself in some women's orbit or friend zone. That takes down female attention. Old women then fear being cut off from all men the way that young men fear being cut off from all women. Living with the fear or loneliness as a woman your entire life would be awful. At least a man gets the benefits of finding peace in solitude as he gets older. Women have to deal with loneliness. I couldn't imagine constantly feeling like if there wasn't anyone around to talk to it would be the equivalent of being in the wilderness alone with no way to protect myself against all the predators as a prey. Another negative of being a woman is that your value is front end loaded with youth, beauty and fertility. But wisdom is not. More often than not when you hear the phrase youth is wasted on the young it's a woman saying it. By the time they figure out the game it's over. At least with men even if you're a loser in your early to mid thirties you can still pick yourself up with your bootstraps and according to women a man's sexual marketplace value is highest in his mid to late thirties. For women it's their early twenties. Maturity is also front end loaded as many women reach mental maturity faster and recent studies have shown that women have brains that appear three years younger than men's. Our brains are probably older because we wear them out figuring everything out. Plus they have the added benefit of outsmarting their husbands in old age.

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sauger1001 5 months ago

I'm fine with whatever The Creator chose to make me. If and/or when I become a spirit (the true definition of being "born again", per Jn. 3:3-8), there will no longer be "male or female", but spiritual beings (Mt. 22:28-30).

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csehszlovakze 5 months ago

women indeed have stronger immune systems (sometimes too strong, leading to autoimmune issues), while we tolerate injuries a lot better. it makes sense from an evolutionary standpoint, men as hunters were more exposed to injuries, while women back at the camp or gathering plants had more risks from outbreaks.

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zdoctor 5 months ago

HERES WHERE THE PHRASE & CAPTAIN SAVE A HOE CAME FROM.......THIS IS WHAT ALL YOU MEN DO BEING YOUR OWN VERSION OF CAPTAIN SAVE A HOE. ....this is an actual song by E-40 . . . . this song explains how most men act until they find the red pill. . ...all you men out there that play the captain save a hoe game . . . hopefully this music and get you to understand how pathetic you guys can be all because of a is the actual song.....

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Councilof1 5 months ago

I'm glad I'm a man. I can't think of a good reason to be a woman. Just taking care of a vagina would be a giant no thank you from me. I'd rather be bacterium than be a woman.

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