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Published on 11 Feb 2024 / In Film & Animation

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sauger1001 6 months ago

Agreed. We must respect ourselves before others can respect us.

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BioWeapanSurvivor 6 months ago

The goal is to starve out the feminist, Zionist divorce attorneys into the poor house. Watch them lose their homes, cars and all the ash they worship. They have developed a system to feed off the destruction of the Middle Class family unit for profit. MGTOW has stopped the marriage machine and if there are no marriages then there can be no divorces, no men raped in a corrupt legal system and there most importantly will not be any money for these gutter rat divorce attorneys. Feminist was just thought up as a tool to destroy the church teachings and make it possible to make profit off the destruction of the middle class family unit in the west. It is over.

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TripeSwing 6 months ago

The insult added to injury here is how giddily our females were/are in allowing the State to be their pimp. The Greek goddess of Nemesis follows Hubris to carry out retribution for Hubris against undeserving victims of hubris. Nemesis is the goddess of retribution for the unjustly trespassed.

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