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Women Have Fun In Their 20's But Want Men To Settle In Their 30's

Published on 09 Dec 2023 / In Entertainment

Women Have Fun In Their 20's But Want Men To Settle In Their 30's #girlmath #modernwoman #tiktok

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byenzer 8 months ago

Link to her TT?

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WMHarrison94 8 months ago

Hmm, ask her the postwalled, stalled out cunt, "Why do you want to deny those lovely twenty year old whores their fun? You had your fun and enjoy your constellation prize of no screaming puking kids... you never wanted that."

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WMHarrison94 8 months ago

It's all about the Cathedral getting these whores to bieve their they so willingly believe... I mean if you can rape a girl through kindness and giving her stuff (prostitution really,) then telling women what they want to hear would be mind rape. Yet, I don't see them saying that: OH yeah, they are too prideful. Their pride won't let them admit they have been played and will die alone, childless. Oh well, what a waste of a good hole and incubator.

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sauger1001 8 months ago

6:10. Here Here, Woof Woof! As men, yeah!

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sauger1001 8 months ago

3:00. Duck Lips Alert! LMAO!

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