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Women Don’t Normally Date Guys They Are Attracted To (Blackpill)

Published on 22 Mar 2023 / In People & Blogs

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Boxed1A 10 months ago

I can tell you're only 20. Brilliant for your age but doesn't have a clue what the real world is like. You have a few years to go before what you say transcends meme status.

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EuroGaNationalist 10 months ago

Thanks for the input

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TelepathicRapist 1 year ago

A lot of truth said here. I know there will always be a segment of men that never wake up, but I do believe that more and more men are realizing the game is rigged. this is in reference to many articles that have come out like the startling statistics regarding the growing segment of single men who are single and uninterested in dating. The monied interests are already anticipating and recalibrating according to the economic expectation of single, childless people in the near term future. I keep seeing condos and apartments with smaller and smaller square footage indicating the market is responding to this new change. The most concerning thing in my view is the plummeting birthrate. The consequences of this fertility rate crisis are going to be devastating over the next few decades. A healthy society cannot continue on this way.

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TripeSwing 1 year ago

rumble sucks bowling balls/ censorious puntcories

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EuroGaNationalist 1 year ago

Really, I haven’t been censored yet but I’d be happy if you can recommend a platform.

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TripeSwing 1 year ago

@EuroGaNationalist: I like this one, even though a name change might be a wise marketing decision. I'm kinda on the fence about that.

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Boxed1A 10 months ago

@EuroGaNationalist: Odysee is the best alt tech platform. BitChute is ok but has a lot of flaws.

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EuroGaNationalist 10 months ago

@Boxed1A: Thanks for the info, will start an account there soon

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Never_Again 1 year ago

I, Darryl Gene be / remain UN-FUCKING-CORRUPTABLE ! eye NOT ! Hire MY DUMB FUCKING BUTT AS PRESIDENT of CONGRESS ! NOW ! NOW! Now ... <--- pretty please ?❤️?? or NUT jib-jab OFF ... Super chats are available sitewide. Hit the Super Chat button below to support the creator!

I Do NOT Create a Fucking Thing ! It Has Already Been Created for US All ! Donate To #MGTOW.TV <--- Please ! eye BEG of EWE ! :)-

Have a Great Day !

Daddy Darryl Gene; family of Harcourt


Ya Wanna FUCK withe ME !

Let Us Dance BITCH !

Thank You for Time & Considerations,
Have a Great Day,
Darryl Gene; family of Harcourt PERIOD

House of Harcourt <--- Do NUT F.U.C. K. with ME !




ME ! I BE MAN ! My Daughter ! Keep on MIND ! 1980 ... I Be 62yo NOW ! ...


Three Babies So Far ... LOL :) Three Mommies Three Different States - Washington / Alaska / Michigan / ask Kansas 2 - Senator Jerry Moran We Bee Buddies He Is a Fun-Knee Man ! So Are Philly IRS Headquarters & US Treasury - Learn / Study Just As Me ! They Supervisor aka CPA Told Me That My Stuff Is Gonna Be a Part of The Agents / Accountants Training For Fetching Executor Over Standing Our Assigned American E-State One Share Each ! Just Imagine The Fair Market Value Of Just ONE Full On Carrier Group Which Have More Than One Attack Sub Marine Divided By ~300 Million Share Holders / True Owner ! Please Fetch This Once You or iz That EWE Study Hard & Heavy. Contact Me If Your Desire Is That U Wish.?! DGfamilyH@cheerful.com Have a Great Day! Thank You for Your Time & Considerations, Darryl Gene; family Harcourt PERIOD aka P.I.B. aka Private Individual Banker Executor Over Standing His Own Assigned A Mer I Can E-State PERIOD מַר, אָדוֹן, א', אד', כְּבוֹד-

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