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Women are Being Robbed by Chads and Tyrones as Men Laugh from the Sidelines

Published on 01 Mar 2024 / In People & Blogs

This video sheds light on the concerning trend of women being swindled for money on dates by men who falsely claim to love them. It delves into the tactics used, the psychological and emotional impact on the victims, and the broader societal implications of such deceitful practices. Featuring interviews with affected women, insights from psychologists on the manipulation involved, and advice from legal experts on protecting oneself, the video aims to raise awareness about this issue, promote safe dating practices, and foster a discussion on the importance of honesty and integrity in relationships.

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Councilof1 5 months ago

My favorite videos to see ate women being attacked by the "Chads" they love so much. Saw one get pistol whipped couldn't have happened to a more deserving woman.

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Councilof1 5 months ago

Sometimes being poor is a blessing. I have so little no one can get money out of me lmfao.

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Never_Again 5 months ago

02:13 ... THEN came the Red Flag? LOL
That fish lipped ugly bitch should've looked in the fucking mirror before swiping on that guys profile. No homo but WTF man she be delusional. https://static.wikia.nocookie.....net/dallas/images/5/ https://y.yarn.co/c2dad7c2-ce4....c-4270-9f83-a1241f99

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