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Woman Says Women Are Taught To Dislike Themselves For men's Benefits! True Or False?

Published on 20 Sep 2023 / In Entertainment

Woman Says Women Are Taught To Dislike Themselves For men's Benefits! True Or False? #modernwoman #tiktok #life

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SolidSnake33 10 months ago

"hit me with your truck" is her wish? Sounds like a resentful young bitch that never got enough vitamin d.

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SolidSnake33 10 months ago

Women naturally do not like being women. Women are resentful beings and raging whores.

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csehszlovakze 10 months ago

99.999999999999999999999999999999999% of people gas women up throughout their whole lives. from this, it logically concludes that female self-hatred (if exists) is inherent and biological.

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She is quite good looking actually - maybe clean up her diet a lot, and wash her face and every where else a bit more often - like daily - not monthly...

And drag her out of these feminist shit holes of propaganda..

And fuck her senseless so she can do what she is made for - to be bred before she is too old and it's too late....

Stupid bitch.

Fuckable though.

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Shrike777 10 months ago

Just a lack of accountability. Forever the victim.

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