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Woman Hits The Wall Hard, AGAIN...


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Published on 24 May 2023 / In People & Blogs

Woman Hits The Wall Hard - The Wall Is Undefeated And Remains Undefeated, Part 2

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The one at 6:58 - she is nice enough looking..... BUT what is wrong with her?

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Mustang 1 year ago

Listen up you brain dead Cunt in the red : What you did (rejecting that man) is the exact reason many men do not approach women!!!!!! NO MAN LIKES TO BE REJECTED!!!!!! If a man asks you out, you need to go out with him. You brain dead Cunts just do not get it. SMH. Enjoy your Cats in your old age.

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profhugodegaris 1 year ago

you gutless, sexist, hypocrites!

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profhugodegaris 1 year ago

shoot YOUR shot, to men, you gutless cowards!

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It's the paradox - of making "educational videos" about women who are insufferable cunts, but including them in the video....

SOME of the really old women - have character and brains and life experiences.....

Nancy Interview in Ararat VIC - - she is like 78 or 79...

But these young ones - they appear to be OK - until they open their mouths and it's nothing but;

"Me, Me, Me"
"Yap, Yap, Yap"

"Me, Me, Me"
"Yap, Yap, Yap"

"Me, Me, Me"
"Yap, Yap, Yap"

And there is no brakes on their bullshit - so while a young healthy woman - biologically is a good asset for breeding, that is until they open their mouths... and then it's, "Oh shut the fuck up" as you notice that she is an idiot and her mother - who is also an idiot - raised another idiot.

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