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Woman Exposes Why Men Should Not Date Women And Stay Single

Published on 09 Aug 2023 / In People & Blogs

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Mr_Sluggo 12 months ago

These Bitches are Crazy....I
'm so safe in my singledom.

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usr6874038614 12 months ago

0:00 : "no can mean yeah, yeah can mean no" : can we update the laws to include this principle for female members of society? "It is true that she said 'no', your honor, but according to article xxx females members of society can use 'no' as an expression of consent"
0:45 : Consequences, not to be trifled with.
1:45 : Smug Mia Khalifa : awesome sign interpreter, very straightforward translation. Also : today she's smug, tomorrow desperate, the day after angry. What's new ? Who cares ? Next !
4:05 : "You don't get to mess with my emotions" : tell that to all the women out there that do this for fun all the time.

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