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What This Woman Said Went VIRAL & TRIGGERED Modern Women

Published on 29 Oct 2022 / In Entertainment
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SolidSnake33 1 year ago

What do I look for? A fine-ass bitch in a g-string and an apron making good ass meals and making the home a nice, peaceful place. When you ain't cookin' we fuckin'.
I love that white bro on a first date (I know it's a setup, it ain't real) but, I love his audacity. Women will fuck your audacity. Once you set boundaries so that they don't feel entitled to your time or money they have to have your dick in their mouth.

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NeoGeoGamer 1 year ago

Inkhands is employing the adaptive gaslight strategy. She won't chameleon, but she will yes-and your good ideas and bring you back to the simp farm. Of course a girl wants to be submissive, you just have to do all this shit for her first. No, women aren't owed anything for this, they owe this to the man to get anything from him. If you listen to these types, you'll find yourself on a treadmill needing to be a good enough man to not be cheated on.
Ultimately, you have to take your male authority back yourself, and tell women that they don't get to measure your performance or judge your quality. They are coming to you with an open hand, they measure up to your standards, and they will show gratitude for whatever you give them.
A dirt farmer used to be able to expect to marry a virgin, for her to be obedient, and for her to be faithful or she gets ended. Now, billionaires marry whores, get cheated on, and divorce-raped. We got here by men wanting female approval. Don't just stop wanting it, reject it. They need our approval.

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NeoGeoGamer 1 year ago

Look how she's dressed. Don't fall for the edited video of what her life is supposedly like. She's taken care of and she sleeps around behind his back. It continues until he finds out.
As much as I like what's going on here, I know these are chameleons, and they have very limited patience for this act they're putting on. If it doesn't yield rapid results, they will revert to their man-hating femon ways. If it does yield results, they'll keep it up until they marriage trap the man, then the femon returns.

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Pompousandfaggy 1 year ago

What I learned from this video is that from now on whenever people ask me what I’m looking for in a woman my response is going to be “a Betty Crocker ass bitch“

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 1 year ago

The last femon has her act together, and has a 100% better life than any feminist on the planet

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GenerationLESS 1 year ago

And she knows she has it better. She is the queen in her house, understands who the king is, and roles of both people.

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