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What Is Our Biggest Threat? - Gareth Icke Tonight Speaks To Tom Nelson About The Climate Change Scam

Published on 14 Mar 2024 / In Entertainment

On the show this week…
American investigator, researcher, author, broadcaster, organic farmer and former employee, of FEMA. The Federal Emergency Management Agency. Celeste Solum joins us to talk about where the world is heading, as well as transparent trees, and wood being turned into skeletons. I know, it got my attention, too.

Podcaster and climate realist, Tom Nelson will be on to discuss the climate change scam, and how the rise in CO2 since 1850, has been highly beneficial to humanity, not the reverse.

Dane Wigington of Geoengineering watch is on the line to talk about what we are seeing being sprayed in the skies above us, on a daily basis, and what he believes is causing not only the excess deaths around the world, but excess illness. Particularly in western nations.

And medical doctor Dr Gerard Waters talks to us from Ireland, where he is in the third year of his suspension by the Irish medical council, without pay, for the crime of speaking up, and refusing to administer the MRNA compliance juice to his patients.

That’s Gareth icke Tonight - Thursday 7pm UK www.ickonic.com

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GenerationLESS 4 months ago

The big club, as George Carlin said, is the one they club you over the head with. As for climate change; Does anyone remember from nursery school the story of Chicken Little? “The sky is falling! The sky is falling!”

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jim bennett
jim bennett 4 months ago

minnesota is essentially canada.. liberal foreign loving traitors and liars imo..
BAD HURRICANES WHERE I LIVE 1960, 2005, 2017, 2022.. so 1960 to 2005.. 45 YEARS of basically nothing.. then 3 in 17 years..

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