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What A Vile World We Live In

Published on 19 Nov 2023 / In Film & Animation
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Villainous Jack
Villainous Jack 11 months ago

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Where's the father(s)?

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 11 months ago

Can't be fathers as the system won't allow it

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Villainous Jack
Villainous Jack 11 months ago

@SoloMan Zone: Those poor children. They are the real victims. And it is even worse that the only help they will receive, is from the system that created this situation.

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Councilof1 11 months ago

She strangled the boy's so she should be strangled to the point of death then resuscitated and repeat. Keep on repeating it until she loses sanity then subject her to scaphism. And she still deserves worse than that.

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Councilof1 11 months ago

False execution is used as torture for a reason.

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mrghoster 11 months ago

Buring in HELL would be a kind of justice, but she did what Demon's do anyway so is that justice even?

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 11 months ago

Pure Evil

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mrghoster 11 months ago

In an MAD, INSANE world being Mentally Ill doesn't really hold much sway anymore as it is now the norm for many if not most femon's. even going out shopping is not totally safe. you usually see some bat shit crazy whore with some issue in the shops these day's and some of them work there! You can almost be certain to be cut up or held up by some femon either on the RAG so she is aggressive or the lights go green and it is farting about in the rear view mirror with it's face. Thank god I'm taking care of myself, no one else will. and I don't want anyone else to either.

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 11 months ago

What would your parents think of this world?

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James1225 11 months ago

Rather than punish, feminist states will fight to give the right to terminate any progeny the mother has. The demonic traits run amok, responsibility never intrinsic in the female nature, the femon, her own device and accord, eats and murders her own, born or unborn….indeed a cursed world when females have power.

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 11 months ago

Evil with in them

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James1225 11 months ago

@SoloMan Zone: the power of self determination can be a curse, more so the victims…

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deathdealer 11 months ago

The real pity of all of this with the feminazis is now they are elected to high political positions, have positions of professorial and teaching in the educational systems and are the CEO's etc. in large corporations. This puts them in a position of creating and enforcing whatever moonbat crazy agendas they can dream, no I correct myself, nighmare up.

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