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Warning to FBI, CIA, DOD, NSA - The Enemy Is Within

Published on 05 Dec 2023 / In Film & Animation

Israel and the Jewish Finance mafia who runs it, is seeking to have US forces decimated and they think they can blame it on Iran/Russia.
The Israeli controlled Senators and Congressman and the Jewish controlled media are poised to amplify the Jewish narrative that "Iran did it"(with Evil Russia's help)

If there is an attack on a US aircraft carrier that attack will absolutely positively be covertly orchestrated by Israeli Military Intelligence just like they did to those poor soldiers on the USS Liberty that the Jewish rats knowingly attacked, to draw us in to do the fighting for them like they always trick us to do.

But the stakes are much much higher now. This time an Israeli covertly orchestrated attack on US forces is a PLAN that Israelis have to shift the center of gravity of global power from the West to the East with Israel and Israel's new nation formally known as the Ukraine as central to the new East-West corridors of trade, but without the USA as the major part of the meaning of the term West.

Jewish planners now consider themselves as the CENTRAL BROKERS between the coming Chinese Belt & Road juggernaut and the consumers in this network, the, "Near West (Western Europe), and the Far West, (that increasingly isolated and rejected United States).

All goods will have to go through Israel to get to this crumbling outpost - Crumbling because all the blood has been sucked out of it by our special friends who in their holy book believe that it is their religious duty to kill us and steal our assets. That is the Jewish "faith" in a nutshell. Kill the Goyim and steal his property - that is basically Judaism. How the hell we have an FBI and NSA and CIA and DOD that allows these Jewish rats do this to us is a shame on all of these organizations. Learn how to read guys and have a look at some of their Talmud's "Greatest Hits" but keep your three year old locked safely away because what the Jews say in their holy book about how its OK to fuck three year olds - and if you don't believe me just have a look at "Sanhedrin 53b & 54b"

Go ahead - go to google and type in Sanhedrin 53b & 54b and read, it's not that long, Its a quick read. You will change your views.

It is the duty of every uniformed man and woman to take this Jewish threat seriously, learn everything you can about it as fast as you can. Reject every single bullshit Jewish controlled story that assures you that they are not trying to kill us and take over and that such nonsense is merely a right wing or left wing anti-semitic trope.

You took an oath to defend this country from all threats foreign and domestic, The Jewish threat is both foreign and domestic. They control this country, they run this country, they are stealing everything we built.

The Jews with the help of scum like Chuck Shumer have looted the military secrets and sold them to China and other challenger nations. This is a fact. This fact is easy to research. This fact can no longer be ignored. They looted our military secrets - and our challengers will be using OUR technology to bury us. And all of this will play right into the plans that Israel its Jewish Banking cartel mafia have to be the central broker and banker of the Chinese Belt and Road.

Let's sabotage their sabotage of us. Let's kill their plan. Let us shift our focus to where it belongs - the Indo Pacific/CHINA. And let's let Israel get what they deserve.

Our contest and the contest for the control of civilization is between the United States and China. Israel is a turd over in the corner with a bunch of cheap criminals weakening us, bragging that they control the presidency, bragging that they control the Congress. Lets teach these fucking rats a lesson. Let us let Israel go down. Let them go down. The only reason why anyone in Washington cares about these rats is because they are taking massive bribes (campaign donations) and if they don't, they get threatened into compliance. Fuck these rats.

And if ANY Jewish apologist wants to debate me on exactly how these Jews are systematically obliterating the USA while transferring the money and property into Jewish hands - have at me - I'll debate ANY Jewish expert ANY time. I don't have prepare for any debate on this matter, I'll win the debate with the best of them and the listener will be educated and change their view of our relationship with the Jewish rats who wish only harm to Americans and our families.

They mean harm to us. And they intend to cause this harm. They are our enemy.

Never forget - our enemy is NOT Russian, NOT Chinese (although they did a deal with the Israelis which may be unravelling and the Chinese need to be punished for taking the deal the Jews offered them to destroy the US grip on global hegemony) Europe is NOT our enemy, Africa is NOT our enemy - THE INTERNATIONAL JEWISH BANKING CARTELS AND THE STATE OF ISRAEL WHO THEY CONTROL ARE THE ENEMY OF EVERY MAN WOMAN AND CHILD ON THIS PLANET EARTH.

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