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US Army Propaganda Is Getting Vandalized!

Published on 22 Nov 2022 / In Comedy
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Troops = Spoort and Marines = Marie, Marni, Marnie, Mare, Mari, Maris. All female nothing masculine whatsoever. Don't ever join even if by Gunpoint 4 their draft. They can all get fucked starve em out brothers and only fight 4 true freedom not Israel and its rich trash dog scum. God bless you all and Godspeed \G/

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GenerationLESS 2 years ago

Even Popp says don't join.

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Don't join the Army as it = MARY+ AMY + MAY + YAM ALL to do with women bullshite nothing manly about the "ARMY AMY" I MENTIONED this back to vention MGTOW R.I.P and he agreed about my opinion. \G/

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GoogleSucks 2 years ago

There is also fighting on behalf of globohomo. Yet, for some reason, young men seem not motivated by this prospect, not willing to have anything to do with this shit at all.

Imagine that.

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Councilof1 2 years ago

On a sidenote I absolutely can't understand why women would want to join. Getting captured by the enemy is never pleasant. For women it would it would be the stuff of nightmare's.

In my opinion two war's truly benefitted America are the Revolution and 1812. One formed the US and one preserved the US. Other than those I'm not certain.

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