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ULEZ- SadGIT's Cameras BANNED In Kent

Published on 03 Aug 2023 / In Film & Animation

At last a Council with BALL's the Kent County coucil or KCC, has banned Ulez sign's and CAMERA's. I'm assuming this encloses KENT areas that are considered to be London Boroughs. You say BROMLEY Is in KENT which it is. If this lunatic and sociopath SADGIT Khan is allowed tio get away with the insanity who is going to be blamed? Probably NOT him. Companies and Delivery drivers are already closing accounts with inner london companies as it is cheaper to go bankrupt than to fork out for £12.50, and i e3xpect if they leave the area and return for another delivery they will be charged the same again on the same day? i think that everyone even the SELFISH CUNT's should arrange a WEEK or even a DAY or two and don't go to work, don't go to the shops (get stuff in early to cover yourself), And let's see what just one week will do to london with litttle to no trade and movement of the population, It wpont happen because to many of the SHEEP are still ASLEEP! This whole road use thing is like removuing everyones LEG's and expecting thgem to walk. I have no problem with 20mph area's as lonbg as they are NOT on main Drag's, I have no problem with public transport ( if you can find any going to where you need to get.) Let's hope that more councils do what KENT is doing, But I doubt it because as long as the WEF funded government that funds backhanders to Councils exist it ain't gonna happen.

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Good On Them.
Sad Dick can get royally fucked in his ungay faggot arse and the population can burn him at the stake.

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