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Ukrainians SURRENDERING like never before & Putin hasn't even STARTED the full invasion _ Redacted

Published on 18 May 2024 / In News & Politics

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Ukrainians are surrendering all across the North near Kharkiv as Russian forces advance. Is this Alexander Mercouris joins Redacted to analyze the latest developments.

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Russia = Bolshevik Jews = Communists = AND these are the global zionists - destroying the people of the worlds.

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WMHarrison94 2 months ago

I don't understand... Ukraine is off the Black Sea, I know I've been there. This is where the actual Amazons lived! Why the fuck did these hoes not Girl Boss their way into victory!? Their fore mothers are rolling in their Graves, well the ones we didn't execuvate... to put in museums... WTF Ukrainian bitches? Time to put you high heels on and women up!

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They have womaned up - become the new jew prostitutes for the zionists from Israel..... No men left, so the slutty feminist scum are gagging for jew dick....

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And so is Zilensky...... "Give me the Jew Dick! - Oh Nom, Nom, Nom!"

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Councilof1 2 months ago

I'm surprised the Ukrainians haven't turned on Zelensky. He isn't worth dying for. While I'm not sure what is dying for it definitely isn't a shitty comedian/actor/politician/liar.

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