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UCW Show #316- Feminists MAD Men Won't Date Them! + Actual Justice SIMP

Published on 29 Feb 2024 / In Comedy
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Toki 5 months ago

Oh those beautiful anime woman thumbnail eyes. Even adorable when she's angry. Thank you Chronic for being an early convert to anime woman thumbnails. More if more men's channels would do the same. Better B for example. Constantly talking about terrible women are, yes. But he simps for them by using their thot thumbnails. He needs to realize that using anime woman thumbnails has an effect on the average viewer. Later on after the video the average normie viewer might get on OnlyFans after being slightly horny-triggered by that earlier thumbnail of BB's thot thumbnail images. But if you use anime woman thumbnails.. That's the point. Women get nothing. Not even a free view. You should be adding view numbers to R34 posts instead. Something other than giving real women views.

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