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UCW Show #235- The Right & Manosphere Are Having A Civil War!

Published on 01 Jun 2023 / In Comedy
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WMHarrison94 1 year ago

The Daily Wire has declared war on the Trans movement, which I am fine with. Apparently, Jordan Peterson has interviewed Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who declared atrazine, which Alex Jones claimed made the freaking frogs gay and himself as observed by us addicted to tranny porn as we joked, is in fact turning the frogs gay and also fun fact is in high levels in our drinking water. A quick nonGoogle internet search should review this, but Google might still work too... apparently there is a small section of our brains, INAH-3 of the hypothalamus, which is responsible for our sex drive, is effected by atrazine and BPA is now in or sportive apparel in40 times the lethal or legal doses!? I would say the real Information Wars are beginning in high gear and no amount of censorship will be able to stop or silence it!

Here's the repost bros:

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WMHarrison94 1 year ago

Oh shit, there's another Civil War in the Manosphere!? Who dun it now?

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