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UCW Show #233- The Losers That 'Coach' Men

Published on 27 May 2023 / In Comedy
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sauger1001 1 year ago

My favorite intro/outro: The dating roach hitting a brick wall. UC finally gets irritated enough to break him in half. LMAO!

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Never_Again 1 year ago

I Put Destiny Video You Uploaded On Loop as I Did Some Home Cleaning & Cooking Dinner. You Guys Split My Guts. Fucking Guys Laughing So Loud @ Shit Head.

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Never_Again 1 year ago

The Cunt Thirst is From Putting Pussy Up On a Pedestal All Their CUCKED Lives. The Dumb Ass boys.

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Never_Again 1 year ago

Just as Dr. Phil said, We #MGTOW are just losers. hahahahaha

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Never_Again 1 year ago

I Am Lining Up My Own Pre-Paid Master Cards With a Bank Now. UnDead My FFL Paper Work Is Being Worked On Now Through ATF / US Treasury, They Think It Should Go Through OK Cuz I Am Already Private Banker with Treasury & Federal Reserve Long Time. My Prices Prob Be 10% Over Actual Cost To Most Folks. I Want To See As Many Freedom Seed Spreaders In The hands of Americans As Possible Now a Days. :) Next Month Is Gonna Be a Busy BITCH ! :)

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