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Turkish Threat Of Invading Syria Interview Sheikh Imran Hosein

Published on 20 Jul 2012 / In Film & Animation

The Sheikh Imran Hosein answers questions from YouTube Subscribers.
The questions are listed below:

When will the Arab world realize that it is better that the Shias and the Sunnis join hand in hand in promoting their agenda and to strenghten their position on the globe. Yes, there are 1.5 billion Muslims but how divided are they?
Thank you

Does the Sheikh Imran Hosein think the crisis in Syria has caused the foretold split between Gog and Magog

1. It seams more and more clear that the islamists such as the muslim brotherhood, and the NTC in libya, the rebels in Syria, ....The Islamists in Pakistan . All are working together with the zionists. It seams after every overthrow of these arab regimes the goverments are more open to western influence and to invite the capitalists into there country.

Is there an end of the world prophecy in islam regarding Damascus?
Syrian Girl

There have been increasing rumors and signs of a Zionist Attack this summer in the London Olympics and the Big Ben, what is your opinion on this matter? What Advice would you give to the people living in the UK?
Daring Deen

How do we survive the coming wars? Can Remote Villages in the countryside guarantee the safety of Muslims from the upcoming destruction of the Nuclear Clash between Gog & Magog?
Daring Deen

This is clear cut war for israel.. Nothing else... Syria is one army which can take care of israel.. Every American has to look into this angel..Who is benefitting.. Neither saudia . or syria nor america only one country israel...Either its luck for them or is well played them..
Comment ....

I would like to know if the Sheikh Imran Hosein thinks Turkey has been 'secretly' encouraging and supporting the anti-Assad terrorists from the beginning already.
Quoriana Green

The Sheikh wants to build villages for only Muslims to live in and have their own system.
the globe and lived among different people. If somebody sees something bad taking place, he should not run and ignore it otherwise he will be part of the problem.

The Question for Sheikh Imran Hossein
2.Whats your view on the future Of the Kurdish Conflict between Iran,Turkey , Iraq and Syria? How will the Kurdish conflict shape the interests of zionists or will it be a blow for zionists?
Umer Bhatt
Kashmir (Jammu and Kashmir )

my personal question would be:
what kind of new rule for Tunisia is planned in the new arab world scenario of the times of a greater Israel coming?
and for Algeria?
There are voices on tunisian news saying that Tunisia has become a platform for terrorists coming from everywhere since the borders to Libya and Algeria are not so safe.
Thank you!

Can you please ask the following question to Sheikh Imran Hosein?
Today Iran and Armenia (the first nation to adopt Christianity as its official religion) signed a security agreement. Does this signify what Sheikh Imran Hosein has been predicting [that] Islam and Eastern Christianity will join hands?
Iran-Armenia sign security agreement
Moscow, July 11, IRNA -- A security agreement between Iran and Armenia was signed in the presence of Iran Interior Minister Mostafa Mohammad-Najjar and Head of Armenian Police force Lieutenant-General Vladimir Gasparyan.
Rush from USA

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