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Trump Destroyed My Colombian Restaurant


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Published on 25 Jan 2025 / In People & Blogs

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RealCommentary365 17 days ago

Amr. Fuck Biden and his open border bushtit. I am sick and damn tired of paying for these fuckers coming into MY country, uninvited. No, he has NOT done damage. He is cleaning up Biden's shit!
Why should America spend a $100 bil, per year, on illegal fuckers? Fuck 'em!!!! Fuck them Amr.
No, he is not God or the Emperor, etc. He is a man. Not one of these weak bitch fuckers like Macron, Treadeau, etc. Tired of these weak ass men in America.
Btw, it's Stacey or Bust!!!!

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Yep, its Stacy or bust, go big or go home, yippie ki yay motherfuckers.

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Malagant 17 days ago

Are you going to share your thoughts on the Gooneral that was held at Bikini Beans Coffee, Tempe, AZ?

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It would much more life affirming to do bang bros or face fuck United Shits, F-ukraine, Cokelombia, then be serving goy slop to normie NPCs, with that investment of money and savings. In this life to be happy it's perfectly normal to require sex and revenge. Latter can be done by making more money and getting pussy that was otherwise gate guarded for too many years, also with sausage infestation. I have paid to fuck Ukranian giga stacies like from the playboy magazine late 20s. You will never get that in the US just by going to meet ups, church groups, yoga classes, supermarkets, I chose Hebrew and Roman way which is pay to play, buy from father, or take as spoils of war, never Anglo way with dating apps or coffee shops which is retarded, never go full retard.

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NeoGeoGamer 15 days ago

B-b-b-b-b-but if you do the thing that actually works, then she doesn't love you! Y-y-y-y-you have to give her the ability to ruin your life and every day she doesn't do it, that's a day she loved you! I hate delusion Anglo culture so much.

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@NeoGeoGamer: yes only some twisted, sick ruling elite Anglo mind could come up with that common law for the plebes, of equality with women, equality among jews and nonjews, among high iq and average/low iq.

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CowboyUp 18 days ago

gate-keepers are hiding the young fertile bleach-skin aryan natural virgins & sending blue-balled amr and passport bros overseas to be with post-wall sterile Botox mud-skin colombian dark-eyed single-moms.

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If you look at gen z white American girls, they all look feral, they all have the physionomy and vibration of snowbunnies and tik tok. Do you want them? Have daughters like them? Be a second sloppy after Chad drug dealer or Chac frat boy.

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It's always a Colombian woman that looks like a pornstar "coke-bunnie" with some fat, short, ogre looking spic guy. Also, the ones that are really hot and tight, yeah that probably belongs to a gang member.

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CowboyUp 15 days ago

@BasedEscortCel100: creating Nordic pheno-type breeding farm euphoric traits geneticmaxxing ultimately instead of amr and passport bro mongering cum-dumping worthless sperm-dumping

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@CowboyUp: yeah, I'm all for preserving eggs of Stacies, while they go waste their beauty, youth, sexuality on clubbing, hanging with clique, working, studying, dating assholes that are assholes because of being subhuman or inferior (curse of Eve). Then provide free IVF for sub 5 whites and deathnics, planned parenthood. Breed out ethnics, so no more people have to come into this world to suffer from being ugly or inferior.

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@CowboyUp: tall dark handsome looks better, David gandy phenotype is the most masculine and desired. Amir can achieve David gandy phenotype offspring by inter-marrying with some Ukranian women. Curries and blacks that shit is hard to breed out and improve with that shit genetic foundation.

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Ideally you want Mediterranean skin, hair, history/legacy (Israel, Rome, Greece, Spain discovery and conquest), with Nordic eyes and height. Also oval head not small/round.

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CowboyUp 14 days ago

@BasedEscortCel100: agreed if consider pure-bred Hungarian-Russian-Norwegian-cross, most Nordic clones are out-cross improperly bred and thus just cum-buckets for worthless cum/sperm dumping

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Yeah pretty much. Fucking worthless expensive euro-trash cum buckets and they are just weak stupid satanic cows.

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The earth should swallow up currycels, African, rice, sands, tacos. To make it even, also swallow up USA/UK/Australia, Anglo sphere technically is not in continental Europe, anglosphere has the worst women, Europe already has plenty of diversity of languages and races with Meds and Germanics/Slavics, at one point slavics were used as labor slaves and sex slaves by Meds and Germans, don't need niggers or irish people.

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@CowboyUp: they cannot be any more worse than American whites. Their women are now snowbunnies, and their men are all frat bros or corporate/high-school/cliquey fuckers, no wonder their women mudshark at a rate of 25-30% among millennial women.

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CowboyUp 13 days ago

@BasedEscortCel100: considering the vice of mud-sharking level it's a vice like eating pure curry cel sh#$, another vice is normies/sub-human colombian/Latin American cum/sperm dumping, sausage fest sub-human communitiesyou can see the fruits of these vices

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@CowboyUp: Yeah those things suck. Maybe it's my location, location cel, but in my location all the white American women seem to have snowbunny physionomy that fuck their dogs.

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creamed12 18 days ago

What is the agenda of this "Mgtow party"

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lukethenuke 18 days ago

men firt, bitches last...this simple

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creamed12 18 days ago

@lukethenuke: will be banned first thing LOL

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lukethenuke 17 days ago

@creamed12: It doesn't need to OUTLOUD say it...the policies gotta be men FIRST, bitches LAST...after the collapse most people won't even have the mental capacities to oppose it, let alone understand it. Remember, the 'Devil lies in the details.'

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lukethenuke 17 days ago

we must act just like serpents...attacking and protecting ourselves very conningly, just like the small hats, this is why they are our overlords, they do it in a smart fashion

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lukethenuke 17 days ago


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creamed12 17 days ago

@lukethenuke: there will be no collapse, atleast not in our lifeime

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lukethenuke 17 days ago

@creamed12: lol...ok homie - as a 130+ IQ guy who works with very intelligent people I have witnessed almost 80% of them losing cognitive functions since the vax. THey will all be retarded in 3,4 years, there's not way to hold up complex systems nd structures.

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Take women's rights away. Use science like vaccines to alter gender ratio 10 to 1 female to male. Fertility clinics with Stacy eggs for currycels, and to breed out currycels, Sub-Saharan Africans, sands, rice.

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lukethenuke 14 days ago

@BasedEscortCel100: Based?? lol my man is hundreds of years of us normies!!!

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lukethenuke 14 days ago

ahead of us normies*

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