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To The Sky's Donaldus Rise

Published on 08 Dec 2024 / In Comedy

i'm going to get flack for this i know lol, i'm doing it for the memes.

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KEEPER 1 month ago  

you think you are hearing Donoldus Rise, but it's Carolus Rex, and i think the band Sebastian is a Swedish metal band, and this is their English version of the song, when you hear the part " i was chosen by pepe, they aren't saying pepe, they are saying haven, but again it's misheard lyrics.

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KEEPER 1 month ago

i forgot to mention, the band hate's Trump lol, they made a song that someone else made to serve a rise for Trump using their song lol, like out of all the unintentional things, there was also that float from some other country, they were also trying to mock trump but ppl used that as a way to praise Trump instead, so all of these unintentional mockery's they throw at Trump end up helping him more than anything, why do these ppl try when it seems to always backfire?

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sbseed 1 month ago

lol, i want the original song.... the meme reel is pretty epic though.

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KEEPER 1 month ago

well technically it is the original song, the only thing that is diffrent is the misheard lyrics.

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KEEPER 1 month ago

what's funny is the real artist hates Trump lol, i mean it makes sense this as a Swedish band where most ppl there are beyond cucked lol. i will say this song is amazing, it reminds me of a lot of American rock bands, it sounds like the artist took inspiration of American rock music sound.

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sbseed 1 month ago

@KEEPER: lol, that the original artist hates trump makes it even better....

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KEEPER 1 month ago

ya know this goes right into the whole Lizard alien thing, that the reptilian's have taken over, but i know it's just a meme, however for decades we also have that connection of the reptilian thing because ppl think our politicians are reptilian lol.

even down to the messaging of what ppl used to see on tv back in the 90s when you could see ppl faces change on video, from their eyes to their skin changing into a reptilian structure, stuff David Ike took maybe a bit too seriously lol.

then there was that movie "they live" where some dude gets ahold of some glasses that can see them.

fast forward to today and suddenly everyone is worshiping the pepe cartoon frog lol, might as well be the reptilian's, then it's associated with Trump.

but of course, it's all just a massive joke based in misheard lyrics, the real song lyrics aren't talking about trump or pepe the frog lol.

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WMHarrison94 1 month ago

Idk man: I heard Reptillians are real and the Queen of England is one of them, or at least the Royal family... Now, you ever seen or heard of the V TV series? It literally is that. I suspect it was n 80s show designed to inculturate us to accept Lizard people followed by buddy cop Alien Nation much like buddy cop series Almost Human I think that's the one with a robot partner. There's so many derivations of buddy cop trope. .

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KEEPER 1 month ago

@WMHarrison94: glad to see someone knew what the hell i was talking about lol. most modern ppl wouldn't have much of a clue, they are more inclined to live in the meme world than reality, and though i find these pepe memes funny, i did pay attention to David Icke for a time and Alex Jones as well, man i used to watch and listen to all of those crazy videos, and i loved it for a time, but these days when i look at these old videos i understand back then we had shitty tv technology that had camera issues or bad connections and for some reason ppl always pointed to the reptilian's stuff as if it was always true when it was easily explained as a camera glitch, these days ppl take advantage of digital media and incert that stuff into the video and you don't know if it

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KEEPER 1 month ago

if it's true or not, sorry i hit enter by accident, i was attempting on hitting this little icon ''' next to the enter thing on the keyboard

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