This Is Why The Taliban Are Correct To Ban Women From Education

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Published on 15 Jan 2025 / In
Film & Animation
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Short/Brown/black with chad/stacy have kids coming out rarely looking white. Yes the mixed kids may have better life than if they were 100% not white, imo its not worth the hassle.
Yo Amr, Justin Bieber also had Bell's Palsy and had it resolved
I ran into my Ex GF during this New Years Eve party two weeks ago. She's my age (35). We had a little chat and she told me that she's single and in law school now. I asked her which law school and did a little research on it. It turns out to be a very low-ranked one with abysmal bar-passage/post-graduation employment rates. It's literally a scam because it's one of those "online JD degrees" LMAO. She also told me she's on various mood-stabilizers/medications and hates being single, and hates her current job (teacher).
I told her "oh my god that's so amazing! You're gonna work at a BIG LAW firm in NYC wearing a suit and doing merger and acquisition deals!", but in the back of my mind I was like "Ohhhhh shit... this chick is going to be debt-ridden, unemployed and simp-hunting by the time she graduates... I feel bad for the guy she ends up with"
She's basically a powder keg waiting to explode and another dude will be the victim of her life choices... and she probably won't have a child either and regret it in her 40s.
I'm not salty that we didn't work out, I actually feel bad for her.
Had 2 or 3 hours sleep - been busy since 5.30am, driving 8 hours... am fucked. Going to bed.
Will watch this later.
5 hours later.
Ummmmmm when I was in high school - An ALL BOYS Techical College = Excellent
There was ONCE a heavy low clouds and a Boing 747 - probably coming from England to Australia - they they were lost.....
So they came in SO LOW and SO SLOW - wheels down and all flaps etc extended, and going as slow as it possibly could...
It was probably 50 meters up.......
AND it flew directly over the top of us - and it was so low, you could see all the rivets in the skin.....
It wasn't the lines of dots in the skin, you could SEE all the rivets - the little domed heads ----
Fuck that was SO good....
There are things in your life that are extraordinary....
Plot twist.... Amr is really a ooofy dooofy.
What is your lawyer info in Ukraine, I am trying to get residence there?