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This Is Why The Taliban Are Correct To Ban Women From Education


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Published on 15 Jan 2025 / In Film & Animation

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creamed12 21 days ago

Short/Brown/black with chad/stacy have kids coming out rarely looking white. Yes the mixed kids may have better life than if they were 100% not white, imo its not worth the hassle.

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Dallas_LooksMaxxer 21 days ago

Yo Amr, Justin Bieber also had Bell's Palsy and had it resolved

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BasedEscortCel100 21 days ago

Stallone had it also.

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creamed12 21 days ago

I think he has another problem with his eyes being too close together.

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Alpha Male Lifestyle
Alpha Male Lifestyle 19 days ago

@BasedEscortCel100: big times

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Dallas_LooksMaxxer 21 days ago

I ran into my Ex GF during this New Years Eve party two weeks ago. She's my age (35). We had a little chat and she told me that she's single and in law school now. I asked her which law school and did a little research on it. It turns out to be a very low-ranked one with abysmal bar-passage/post-graduation employment rates. It's literally a scam because it's one of those "online JD degrees" LMAO. She also told me she's on various mood-stabilizers/medications and hates being single, and hates her current job (teacher).

I told her "oh my god that's so amazing! You're gonna work at a BIG LAW firm in NYC wearing a suit and doing merger and acquisition deals!", but in the back of my mind I was like "Ohhhhh shit... this chick is going to be debt-ridden, unemployed and simp-hunting by the time she graduates... I feel bad for the guy she ends up with"

She's basically a powder keg waiting to explode and another dude will be the victim of her life choices... and she probably won't have a child either and regret it in her 40s.

I'm not salty that we didn't work out, I actually feel bad for her.

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creamed12 21 days ago

Law School is such a scam, Bar Exam is really just straight forward common sense multiple choice questions that I was able to answer right without studying anything

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Dallas_LooksMaxxer 21 days ago

@creamed12: Yeah I figured JDs are a scam in general. In every other country in the world a law degree is a simple undergrad degree. Not only are you forced to blow money - I mean get into mountains of debt - on an undergrad that isn't even related to law, you are THEN also required to get into debt for ANOTHER 3-year degree that probably teaches you nothing about being a lawyer either LOL

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Dallas_LooksMaxxer 21 days ago

@creamed12: you’re an attorney? Damn, that’s impressive dude. A lot of High-IQ dudes in MGTOW

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BasedEscortCel100 20 days ago

I bet you got her your ex because of your personality, game, effort, voice, etc. Nothing to do with looks,height, clothes, face, etc. Everyone can get a Stacy, even the Indian janitor just gotta think positive .

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Dallas_LooksMaxxer 20 days ago

@BasedEscortCel100: Dude just like Amr was blessed by god that his ex of a wife is out of his life, I'm blessed that my ex of a GF is out of my life. She was insufferable.

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BasedEscortCel100 19 days ago

@Dallas_LooksMaxxer: having ex girlfriends, that's so gentile, like doing skiing, noodling arm fishing, drinking at pubs. I know what girlfriends are all about, its getting milk for free without buying the cow, which is greatest scheme ever made by men, at least gentile men, applaud for them. I think the based Torah or oral torah points out that women are donkeys. Anyway, I have thought to myself, why don't these normies have children, sure it's a sausage fest out there 3 to 1 at least, but is that the woman is a placeholder? Do they fear getting divorced cucked, having thot cheap whore daughters, don't find woman to be good genetic material. What's going through the goy mind.

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BasedEscortCel100 19 days ago

*applaud them for that.

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BasedEscortCel100 19 days ago

@Dallas_LooksMaxxer: this guy pyramid friend of hbtdl did a great video on the trades. Aaron Clarey worship trades, I'm just bringing up trades because some say don't do hard college majors do the trades, JD is oversaturated, but basically trades i think you are not in it since a young age, are not a good ol' boy (pyramid quote) you won't fit in with trades types, won't get trained well, you gotta be very gentile working class to fit in, I think any sign of intellectuality, above average iq, eccentricity, gets squashed. Fuck also maintaining or fixing shit so white American bimbos or thug-loving ethnic women can be comfortable, most feel disgust towards these trade ogre-cel type guys.

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BasedEscortCel100 19 days ago

@Dallas_LooksMaxxer: I have had a few placeholder girlfriends before, still fucked escorts on side for variety. I'm an average-cel to some, handsome (not hot) to other women, picture Matthew Broderick thets me, got teased nicknamed "ferris bueller". Anyway one case was she was reluctant about sex, but when I grabbed her pussy and throat caveman style, she got sexual, I like being given sex in a submissive manner. Other case was a gem, very submissive and sexual, but wanted texting all the time and I was working studying full time, sex was making me very tired, sleepy, sore dick for days, post nut clarity made me hate her see her as a pig, said let's take a break , she was just like "okay fine" really emotionally detached i guess.

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creamed12 19 days ago

@BasedEscortCel100: would love you check out this video about the downsides of trades, link please

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Had 2 or 3 hours sleep - been busy since 5.30am, driving 8 hours... am fucked. Going to bed.
Will watch this later.

5 hours later.

Ummmmmm when I was in high school - An ALL BOYS Techical College = Excellent

There was ONCE a heavy low clouds and a Boing 747 - probably coming from England to Australia - they they were lost.....

So they came in SO LOW and SO SLOW - wheels down and all flaps etc extended, and going as slow as it possibly could...

It was probably 50 meters up.......

AND it flew directly over the top of us - and it was so low, you could see all the rivets in the skin.....

It wasn't the lines of dots in the skin, you could SEE all the rivets - the little domed heads ----

Fuck that was SO good....

There are things in your life that are extraordinary....

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Dingle_Berries 22 days ago

Plot twist.... Amr is really a ooofy dooofy.

What is your lawyer info in Ukraine, I am trying to get residence there?


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silverkinguk27 3 days ago

I might try there also.

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