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Things Not Going Your Way? Have You Tried Screaming?

Published on 13 Jun 2024 / In Entertainment
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Drums_McBashington 4 months ago  

Why are they allowed to roam free?
You can hear actual crimes on the radios, while they're dealing with a giant sobbing, tantrum throwing toddler.

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bigintol03 4 months ago

Taze the cunt!

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Drums_McBashington 4 months ago

I would lead with that maneuver. Would legally change my name to: Officer Bug Zapper. "My friends call me "Bugs", because I zap 'em. I zap 'em real good."

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bigintol03 4 months ago

@Drums_McBashington: lol

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Calling All Stations
Calling All Stations 4 months ago

A bleeding wound on her hand and she starts yelling "I've got AIDS!" Not sure I'd even touch her with rubber gloves on.

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Drums_McBashington 4 months ago

"Step this way, miss, Officer Sticks is going to pat you down"

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Got to about ~35 seconds +

The cop asked, "How were you thrown down?"

She replied - "What do you mean how was I thrown down?"

She immediately changed the subject......


Not real bright.

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mrghoster 4 months ago

The Guy's are playing it safe so on go the rubber gloves, boxing glovers would be more useful on CUNT's like this! All that taxpayers money and resource wasted on a fucking waster. even trying to be nice or helpful to the results simply in playing into their fucking delusional drama. Give them 5 minutes to comply and if they don't without any prompting just taser the CUNT! and sort it all out back at the Station under full control and supervision. I mean this CUNT cant even deal with an ordinary day, WTF would it do if the SHTF for real and society collapses? for that matter what is any peice of fefail SHIT gonna do if it all collapses? I don't think they will be able to rely onREAL MEN, simps and cucks after a bit of HIV pussy may fill that space for a while! lol!

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Drums_McBashington 4 months ago

They'll be extra dangerous, deluxe edition. Like frightened little bunnies...

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mrghoster 4 months ago

Fuck me you know a women is UGLY when she looks like an Ozzie Osborne clone! lol! but Ozzie is genuinely funny at times! lol!

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Drums_McBashington 4 months ago

Sometimes, by accident.

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