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They Just Did It! Your Personal Privacy Is Officially Over! (Government Passes NEW Online Law)

Published on 21 Sep 2023 / In Film & Animation

They Just Did It! Your Personal Privacy Is Officially Over! (Government Passes NEW Online Law)

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WMHarrison94 1 year ago

Time to join the Dark Web... viva la digital underground. Well, start discontinuing using these products... just saying.

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Can't spell Kuck without UK.

Send the Feminazis squad in UK to take on Murder squad which we know they won't.

Majority of them voted for those trash and they are all into pedophile shite go figure.

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Eggy Noggy
Eggy Noggy 1 year ago

"Can't spell Kuck without UK." LOVE THIS !

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@Eggy Noggy: Borrowed it from Commander Greenskin Undead Chronicbwho came up with it to begin with and glad you love the saying it is fact in today's age.

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sbseed 1 year ago

why are you still living in UKistan and being a willing slave?, they never had freedom of speech...
you are only allowed to say what they allow you to say, there is no (and was never) constitution or bill of rights based on common law in UKistan...
get out or fight, and by fight i mean actually fight gov. by taking them down and removing the tyrants...

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UKistan haha good one I call it GULAG UK for those living there. I agree they should leave and go where, AMR said go to Mexico/Colombia for that you gotta get your money right and just like US most people are living paycheck to paycheck and don't have $500 or £500 or even $5000 to their name or in the bank. Yeah I agree you need to remove tyrants however Kucks in the UK have been breed to not fight with all the poisons put in their food. Soon it will become like the Government from V from Vendetta. God help them as there will be no going back once that happens and their corpo murder scumbag squads will force them to do everything or they will hire army or private mercenary squads to protect their "ASSETS" for the Pedophiles. God help them all as well as UK as the saying goes what happens in GULAG UK is what will soon happen in USA.

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WMHarrison94 1 year ago

I would have gone with Ynited Kucks or Britistan, the Brits, ie Britannia, were a people...

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WMHarrison94 1 year ago

@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: soon? They've been invaded by African invaders-- it is. They just haven't exercised their "muscle" yet...

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