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The Truth Does Not Support Your Claim

Published on 08 Jan 2024 / In Comedy

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"If you want to destroy any nation without war, make adultery or nudity common in the young generation." - Saladin

“The oaths of a woman I inscribe on water.” - Sophocles

"If you allow them to achieve complete equality with men, do you think they will be easier to live with? Not at all. Once they have achieved equality, they will be your masters." - Cato the Elder

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WMHarrison94 4 months ago

Oh Bro, so naive you are: Women can stand up peeing, through a tube or just being drunk-- I've seen it firsthand.... and they can get another woman pregnant, with a turkey baser.... Amazon er internet's a thing bro.

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A_Shot_of_Whiskey 4 months ago

Using a tube to pee proves my point, and being drunk doesn't mean they can aim effectively.

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A_Shot_of_Whiskey 4 months ago

Women cannot get another woman pregnant with their own sperm, either.

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WMHarrison94 4 months ago

Hey, the gigglies... I liked that part. Nice plot. But, try-- women can garner larger audiences while they're young and I assume they can fuck better fitting just over four men inside their holes at the same time. All those faggots can do is three with a one being a double anal, maybe four if two in the mouth, double oral... Hey, I saw a DP link to a video thinking only women can do DP or Double Anal, maybe that's what DA stands for... boy, was I wrong.... Now, they even remade the Kama Sutra for fags too... that's a video that me being a biologist and former combat medic was enthralled for a quick minute asking "How the fuck did they do that?" I know the limitations and spacial arrangement of the human body-- so when I saw two fags staring each other in the eyes while butt-fucking-- I was like "WHATTT! How can this be? Is this some demonic morphing between male and female bodies" To save you the shock and disgust, let's just say he really hyper-extended his ass-- I don't think they'll be doing that long because that tendon will snap eventually... especially with age... I mean you can not even trust porn titles anymore... three-way? Not any more...

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NeoGeoGamer 4 months ago

They used to run commercials on TV with Michael Jordan and some female athlete, and this slogan was sung as they raced or whatever. This was in the late 90s/early 2000s. I hated it, too, I could tell it was untrue and I could tell I was being assaulted from every direction by feminism. Too many people act like this is a recent phenomenon. Feminism goes back, in the west, to the mid-1800s.

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A_Shot_of_Whiskey 4 months ago

I think I remember that, as well.

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