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The Rise Of Feminism Is The Fault Of WOMEN, Not Men

Published on 23 May 2024 / In News & Politics

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Tim Pool

Pearl Davis @JustPearlyThings
Lauren Chen @laurenchen
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Isabella Moody

Lisa Elizabeth @LisaElizabeth (X)
Kellen Leeson @KellenPDL (X)

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myopinion 2 months ago

@3:24-3:32 - The religious, are NOT your friend. They are a hive mind. They use cult-like techniques. They have a master, they push a US vs. THEM mentality, they shun their own kids, for not being like them, ... they have verses, saying others are abominations, that deserve DE*TH. They preach s*xist, bigotted, ableist, vile content, & have rules, on how to treat your slaves. While it is true, that concentration camps, or beating your pets, will show results. ( ARE THEY REALLY THE BEST RESULTS, IF THEY HAVE TO BE ENFORCED, ON CHILDREN ) The question should be, why don't we stop, allowing religious freaks, to brainwashing, the most vulnerable, naive, malleable, minds. The cps should be involved, due to them, preaching H8. If the religious, were HONEST. They would allow children, to grow free, of this indoctrination. And, allow them, to explore, ON THEIR OWN, once they reached adulthood. (18) (comparative religious courses) ...... But, they don't, .... CUZ, they know, ... the lies they spew, ... will only stick, ... to those, that are targetted, with early deep mind manipulation. H!tler did the same thing. There's even a quote, that says, Give me the kid, ... & he can control them, for life, .... ( or something, like that ). The best thing, for society, is to continue, to have freedom, for both s*xes, ...... and figure out a plan, as we go. (like artificial wombs, companionbots, designer babies, (a smaller, more fine tuned), beautiful & intelligent population ) ......... Rather then, allowing the depressed, & miserable, to continue to have "mistakes" ...... which just perpetuates, the problem, generation after generation.

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myopinion 2 months ago

@12:19-12:24 - Again, with the "Might makes right" ( caveman B.S ). ............. How about we do better, ( then the old ways ). ......................................... Calling them "strong" ...... Just because, they cry the loudest, ..... OR, basing our decision, off their artificial numbers. ( Is just mob rules ). ( And faulty, ....... cuz most of them, ......................... that go to church, .... are just, going along, .... to get along ) ( mindless NPC, order followers ) .................... Instead, we should allow, ... ALL Ideas, (even secular ) to be discussed, ......... without censorship. ............. In order to get, ..... the actual, ..... best outcome.

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