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The people selling rage sticks to these women for S4000 are geniuses

Published on 21 May 2024 / In Film & Animation


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And the stupid women do fuck all EXCEPT make noise....

Where as the men, the men get results.

The Inlaws Vs. The Leopard = They are US. = We Are Men.

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Fuck I should have invested in this instead of Box Wine haha I would charge these dumb cunts between $5000 to $10000 and charge them $100,000 for the special bear package safe in the woods haha I'd make a killing on these stupid cunts

Fuck I missed the boat still good to see these whores and cunts lose their minds as their eggs go with their minds haha

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Straven 2 months ago

Yeah, bloody gdm geniuses. Think they need a couple partners? Just to help move things along.

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Councilof1 2 months ago

They paid $4000 for that? Whoever sold that bs to them is genius. They could have done that for free.

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Leader_Desslok 2 months ago

things were so much easier when they just took prescription tranquilizers and drank alcohol in the afternoons .

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Leader_Desslok 2 months ago

i see the rage stick that they are beating the ground with as a surrogate phallus . they are raging out because they were not born men . this is why they need a fake penis to beat the ground with . the disturbing part is that some day some lucky boy will get to call one of these women " Mommy ".

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