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The most expensive watch mechanism's in the world - Designed 1801 - C pinned comment.

Published on 21 May 2024 / In Film & Animation

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This design was patented in 1801...... The article is well worth a read.

In horology, a tourbillon (/tʊərˈbɪljən/; French: [tuʁbijɔ̃] "whirlwind") is an addition to the mechanics of a watch escapement to increase accuracy. Conceived by the British watchmaker and inventor John Arnold, it was developed by his friend the Swiss-French watchmaker Abraham-Louis Breguet and patented by Breguet on 26 June 1801.[1] In a tourbillon the escapement and balance wheel are mounted in a rotating cage, with the goal of eliminating errors of poise in the balance giving a uniform weight.[2]

Tourbillons are still included in some modern wristwatches, where the mechanism is usually exposed on the watch's face to showcase it.

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$500,000 for a watch that doesn't even show the clock face or time correctly fuck that I'm happy with my $50 or $10 fake Chinese watch that has a clock face and tells the time correctly which is what it is supposed to do. No good having a $500,000 that dies when EMP hits it and I would be constantly thinking what a fool to spend all that money on something that just shows spinning mechanisms and not the correct time, I get it time is man made however when I want to know the time or adjust it to the countries time zone I am in I want it to be easy and hassle free not complicated and cost a house payment fuck that.

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@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: It's a mechanical / self winding watch. Not affected by an EMP.

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@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: Sometimes it's just nice to appreciate things.

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@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: You know reading up on the subject is much more powerful than shit canning it.

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@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: @Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: I disagree and could be wrong however all watches can be effected by EMP and have their mechanical parts thrown off sync, my point was even pocket watches need to be repaired no point buying an expensive pocket watch when TIME itself is overrated and a cheap watch will do the exact same and tell time better than some of these stupid rich fancy watches. It is good and fascinating to see how and what goes into watches like I said im into watches myself just not over complicated expensive garbage. You and I dontnhave $500,0000 just to spend on a watch come on that's ridiculous.

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@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: Nooooo EMP = Electro Magnetic Pulse = Only affects circuits - starting with silicone chips etc... I can only wear a mechanical watch, as the digital ones speed up and slow down and go ape shit when I wear them. So I bought ONE good watch, that should last me for my entire life.... Mechanical, self winding (automatic), good for down to 200 meters, easy to read - it's a really good design.... It's more a practical every day, working mans watch... ONE good watch for life. AND I might have $500,000 to spend on a watch, but like it's not water proof and very very tough....

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You can have a fancy watch or car and when an accident happens and you stuck in bumper to bumper traffic hah tell me then how good your watch is that doesn't tell the time and your fancy exotic sports car with 300mph that isn't going anywhere, tell me so I can laugh and shite on these stupid Rich Fucks.

Tell you the truth I have never seen anyone in a fancy exotic sports car in the outback bush the sand and dust alone would Choke up the filters and engine let alone the heat temperature, no wonder all mostly go with powerful jeep engines or highly powerful and robust diesel engines I would like to see an shitty EV exotic car go through the outback bush or desert and have no problems yeah fucking right they would let it burn it self of in the desert

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One Rolls Royce for me to drive home in. One Rolls Royce to carry the box of tea bags home. And one Rolls Royce for Foo Foo Fluffy Dumplings - my Scotch Terrier home in.

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@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Haha that's AI edited jk good find I still don't believe it to be effective in sandy desert environments or when sand storm hits and nothing to do except go through. A great luxury car no doubt however I prefer more practical Mötörs than can take on multiple conditions situations or need less change in equipment for said problems and doesnt cost a huge amount.

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@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Never thought of you as a tea and fluffy dumplings kind of guy haha enjoy

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@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: He guards the Rolls with the box of tea bags in it....

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I like watches and cars however there is a limit and all these idiots that have fancy flashy cars all follow the speed limit so funny how they have 250 or 300 mph fancy bullshite car and have to do 70 mph on speedway/freeway/highway all because so they don't get a speeding ticket haha fucking idiots \G/

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