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The Grim Articles Show (5/25/25) Nick Rekieta's Downward Spiral, Degeneracy & Double Standards!

Published on 25 May 2024 / In News & Politics

I'll talk about this briefly one more time on tonight's rant show, which will be different than what we normally do. But here we discuss the charges and the hope that Nick takes accountability and does better. Some of us are not trying to make him the butt of jokes on the internet.

We also talk about how actually degenerate some of my videos really are. I'm sorry if some of you are really that upset about the guro scenes in some ero games, but to me they're just cartoons. I went through many years of being submitted records with brutal album covers and it just doesn't even phase me anymore. It's just art. Real people, yeah that's a whole different thing. But even so, all of this is fiction. Nothing we post here aside from articles or conversations/interviews is actually real.

However, the situation that Nick got himself into is very real. I don't condone drug abuse of any kind. Period. I'm sorry for my response being a bit off, I didn't have all that much sleep and of course it was getting late at night (DP didn't come in till almost 1am) so I'm not 100% alert around that time. But you do get it.

The double standards are in regards to the "Is Only Fans Cheating?" article and in no relation to the Nick Rekieta case.*

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Toki 21 days ago

Now I don't make bets. However I just want to predict how this will play out. Nik will take all the blame and sentence while the wife and e-girl get off with no consequences because the local simps in blue/judges want to have sex with both of them.
What was he doing with the other e-girl anyways? Apparently that's some beta's wife. His wife was out partying in the 'snow' while he was home alone with a dry penis. The husband was streaming at the time apparently. I assume to make more money for her spending habits of course. Again stremears need your money right? You give Superchat to random beta online who then squanders it on vagina who's very likely cheating on him. Typical American marriage and economy in action. It's all fraud just like women because women are involved with it. The ultimate benefactors in the end.

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Grims Dungeon Of Degeneracy

Keep in mind that he had a prestigious job as lawyer but quit after he was making so much on YouTube. There was no welfare here. The guy had money, the fans were paying him for his content.

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Toki 20 days ago

OK so you want a Bolshevik economy? Socialism for anyone who wants to stay home and play internet while adult men work and pay taxes for streamer's rent, foods, everything. Even men can get it easy now and live like women on welfare. Turned out so well for Nik to stop going to work and being responsible huh? Now that you bring that up I lost the small amount of sympathy I had. I've been working my entire life like a warrior/man/adult and of course it doesn't have any reward because Good nature loses in a human society. Selfishness and Greed wins in a human society. Streamers making easy money for example. But karma eventually comes back to get you. That's why you don't fool around with human femons either Nik. Got him in trouble. Was doing coke and had another man's wife with him. Yet you still simp for the idea of online welfare Grim? It's just like single moms on drugs. The "fans" are idiots who don't understand economics. They probably don't work either. Also the majority of chat donations are fakes encouraging other people to believe the chat is popping with money donations. It's all manipulation of the mind like marketing. What amazes me is anyone has money to piss away in 2024 Streamer-flation economy.

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Toki 20 days ago

@Grims Dungeon Of Degeneracy: Will you give me free money for comments? It's hard work (sweating.) What a work day! I'm spent. I need a vacation from this. Now I'm going to call Ubersnacks and have some peasants cook for me and deliver food to me while I sit around doing coke, drinking into a stupor, and paying women for pussy with other people's money. Idiots online giving me free money. They said Americans are stupider than ever and damn are they right. Gee I wonder why how money a high IQ JP hikkomori hermit monk gives to strangers on the internet? Or maybe they became hermits because they understand idiotic humans and their addiction to Gov currency/wealth/Evil. It's tough being a moral Good man in an Evil world.

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Toki 20 days ago

@Grims Dungeon Of Degeneracy: By the way YT and everything was far better before anyone came up with the selfish idea of monetization for free videos or audiocasts online.

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Toki 19 days ago

@Grims Dungeon Of Degeneracy: The F is 'guro?' At least answer that. Vore?

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Grims Dungeon Of Degeneracy

@Toki: I did. Guro is erotic hentai gore. Vore is the sexual fetish of being eaten as well as a death metal band.

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Toki 19 days ago

@Grims Dungeon Of Degeneracy: Oh so it's the waifu on a pike with arms or legs. Yeah that's messed up stuff. There's a Girls und Panzer fan manga where the tanks are firing real shells. Brutal as you can expect. I don't want to see the waifus get hurt though.

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Toki 21 days ago

What is 'guro' again?
Nothing phases me because you have to sift through mountains of garbage to find the good stuff on r34.

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Toki 21 days ago

My theory is Nik's wife and how she has been unusually skinny this entire time. With crazy eyes. For an American female of her age she's oddly skinny but now it makes total sense.
Also he made too much money. The life of unemployed luxury leads to boredom which leads to taking risks believing one is above the laws of false gods. Especially when you are a "Trump" party target of the side who control the false god's law and media.
If he was a single monk he'd be fine right now. Wouldn't need to stream all day to rake in all that money from NPCs either. Anyways now you know where your streamer donations go. That's why I don't support the e-welfare state. It breeds squalor just like Section 8.

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Grims Dungeon Of Degeneracy

Side note: We were both blown away by that AI intro.

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