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The Government Thinks MGTOW Is Terrorism?!?

Published on 07 Jun 2024 / In Comedy
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WMHarrison94 5 months ago

"And the award for helping women feel safe in the wilderness goes to" drum roll, "The Bears." "Here you are," chop Bear rips her head off...LOL!

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WMHarrison94 5 months ago

"And the Award for saving the most men world wide goes" drum roll... "Sandman!" Whispering, "Here you are Chronic..." Sandman walking down the aisle upto the stage...

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sauger1001 5 months ago

The only thing Mr. Potato Head (FJB) and I have in common (along with several million others), is we both seem to like ice cream.

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magot 5 months ago

So is this the beginning of the MGTOW(Philosophy's) Hall of Fame. Also did @Sandman, get a trophy for being number Uno....

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Probably not. KOJAK :D TELLY SAVALAS THE GREAT MAN THE BEST IN KELLYS HEROS. YOU GET MAJOR RESPECT POINTS FROM ME for having TELLY as your profile picture may he rest in Peace and GOD BLESS YOU \G/

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Sandman must be doing something right if they all listening to him and coming after him and he is in Canada haha, they scared he is waking up too many young bruddahs and giving them financial advice and to get dolls after they steal all his points and make money off of it and not give him any of it and he still get it through to the young boys into men so good on Sandman hope he fucks them over hard like they have been doing to him \G/

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WMHarrison94 5 months ago

@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: hmmm, whatever happened to migow money? He still arond? I lost so many subs and their channels when YT banned me in 2030 f0r stating in October how they were going to steal the elections in november... fucking CIA pieces of shit...

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@WMHarrison94: never heard of that guy, I think Hammer called that guy out MGTOW MONEY turned out to be a fraud and "Renamed" himself and changed his grift after fucking over so many. I think that's the MGTOW MONEY you were talking about, like I said thankfully never knew about that and never fell for those scams and Hammer destroyed those scumbags and now they turned gay aka FAGTOW and trying to ruin MGTOW from within with their CIA funded Fed and Pedo Bullshite

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WMHarrison94 4 months ago

@WMHarrison94: shit? I said 2020... fucking AI...

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WMHarrison94 4 months ago

@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: yeah... either typo or AI distorted my text. I have to proof read my proofread texts!? MGTOW Money was his channel Sandman and maybe TFM had him on or did an interview... I think he was the one said how the market works... anyways, somebody a group I believe Sandman talked to him described how our tax code was written by lobbyists and the tax pros and programs were like three years behind saying they update the tax code every year so the rich files correctly for maximum savings and the rest of us are three years behind especially the programs. This keeps the duper rich rich and the rest of us paying.

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WMHarrison94 4 months ago

@WMHarrison94: Anyway, whoever it was was giving us the most up to date tax info to maximize savings... and he did another channel telling you the trends in investing so if you invested early in the morning and then sols it you made money: I believe it was Fivr Hour Investing: He listed 5 or 6 undervalued investments you hold for five hours...I can see the Cathedral shutting him down or banning him.

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WMHarrison94 4 months ago

@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: I thought FGTOW were fathers, oh fagtow...shit, just woke up...

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