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The Exodus Decoded

Published on 22 Jul 2024 / In Film & Animation

This is one of the most brilliant independent documentaries not funded by the satanist Jew Mainstream Media. They showcase so much archaeology and cutting edge technology in this production that it also supports the evidence I use for Solon's Atlantis as told to us by Plato"s Socreates in his Republic. The copy is okay not HD b ut you can find it in Vudu, Amazon Prime< and perhaps others including his own site

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WMHarrison94 5 months ago  

Hi guys, I wanted to get this information out there. I am trying to get a Garden of Eden film out where I strongly believe Eden was found. Shane found an HD version and posted it: Enjoy. Here's the link:

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jim bennett
jim bennett 5 months ago

It looks to me like the mediteranean people are using America for world conquest.. Trump's agenda 47 for 47th president , states he will make keeping the US Dolar world reserve currency as a high priority.. it is becoming obvious that is what America has been about sincew they killed Kennedy and others.. WORLD CONQUEST.. WORLD RULE.. The US has been usurped for that reason.. from our govt giving billions to foreign countries.. to the petrodollar stuff.. it is all about ruling the world.. The thing is,, they are doing it wrong.. You lead by excample and they are not a good example.. they suck..

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WMHarrison94 2 months ago

@jim bennett: @jim bennett: True. The way I describe it is like this: You know how a knight rides a horse say into battle or in their tournaments with their long penises, er lances I mean? These Globohomos or Satsnic Jews ride countries that way to world domination, er they had plan to. We stopped them in WW2 when they were riding Germany: Then we bitch slapped so hard. They infiltrated the US through Operation Paperclip and are trying to ride us The US to world domination, but you know what? We sin't no broke back mountain horse or a tamed horse for that matter... They are finding out the hard way..

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myopinion 4 months ago

So all, ........ we end up with, ........ is hear say, ......... from 1 guy. ................... ...... ........ ........ ..... ...... (similar to the mormons, magic undies fairytale ) . . In BOTH these FAKE stories, ......... ( g ) , ......... O N L Y . . . "talks" to, .......... 1 guy, . . . . . . . . . ( Don't you find that, . . . . . to be, . . . . very SUS ? ? ) .... ... ... ... .... ... ... .... ... ..... ..... .... ...... .... ..... .............. ............. & then, . . . they add in, . . . the golden tablets, . . . . . . ( as if, . . . gold, . . . makes the story, . . . more believable. ). . . . . ............. L O L. . . . . . . . . . . So basically, this video, . . . is saying, . . . what all the skeptics, are saying, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . which is, ......... religious people, ... ..... ...... ... ...... ...... ... .... ... .... .... ..... .... .... ... ... ... .... ... .... ... ..... .... .... . . are believing in, . . . hear say, ..... ...... .... ........ ...... ...... ..... ..... ...... ..... ...... ..... ...... ...... ...... ..... . & thinking that, . . . . . . since the bible, .... ... ..... ..... ..... ... ... ..... ..... .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . sprinkles in, . . . some history, . . . . . . that somehow, . . . makes the rest, . . . true ? ? ? . . . L O L . . ................ Sprinkling in some history, ............ DOESN'T give, ........ ....... ...... ....... ... .... ... ..... ..... .. ... ... .... .... ...... the magical bullsh*t, ........ anymore credibility. ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Reminds me of the lyrics, from the Dead Kennedy's song, ................................................................................................................................................................................... A GROWING BOY NEEDS HIS LUNCH. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> ( ( ( . . . Just, . . . the first part, ...... 01:08 - 01:55 . . . ) ) ) ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... . . . . . [Verse 1]
In lonely gas stations with minimarts
You'll find rows of them for sale:
Liquor-filled statues of Elvis Presley
Screw his head off and drink like a vampire
His disciples flock to such a fitting shrine
Sprawled across from his ghastly mansion
A shopping mall
Filled with prayer rugs and Elvis dolls

And I wonder
Yeah, I wonder
Will Elvis take the place of Jesus
In a thousand years?
Religious wars
Barbaric laws
Bloodshed worldwide
Over what's left of his myth ...................

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WMHarrison94 4 months ago

Fair enough; the retarded need "religion" to guide them. I left religions behind and focus on Revelations. I get your point of view, but the Gods had for some reason chosen me. I met them, well One of Them; there's Two, a duo the Masculine abd the Feminine. I have been escorted and protected by Their angels. I also now understand what makes us human and everything else is jealous... So, walk your path, but you are wrong. The Godscare real, and They wanted us to be free and to love Them. Everything around us tries to enslave us... I now believe strongly Atlantis was not just one place and time but many maybe upto eleven or twelve. They, the Gods or perhaps demons and others, have always been killing us White People... just saying.

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jim bennett
jim bennett 5 months ago

pretty sure the knights templar were white normans.. as in norsemen from normandy france.. there's alot of context left out of our socalled history.. imo

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WMHarrison94 5 months ago

There are or rather were a lot more than that. The Kinights Templar was a huge group, the first international bank: When it solit, some went to Switzerland to start the Swiss Bank, some built the Rosalyn Chapel so Dan Brown could write his book, some joined the Knights of Malta holding back the Otooman and Muslim invasion during the wars post Crusades, some went to the Caribbean to become pirates, some went to Vinland then into the Great Lakes in to Western America where they died (the Hooked X arthor has a TV series about it American Geology or something, and some were killed by the king of France through his puppet Pope giving us Tristadecaphobia, Fear of Friday the Thirteenth, when they were arrested.

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WMHarrison94 5 months ago

@WMHarrison94: the show was Unearthing America: The guy, author and host, is a geologist who literally followed the Knights Templar trail to St. Lawrence river where the "explorers" died of fever. Plus, when Christopher Columbus, er not the Pedowood director, came to America stone lighthouses were already here and some stone carvings, now they ate in the bay some of them. Who built them? The Knights Templar. Native americans don't build with stones: Those that did died off eons begore or went south for human sacrifices in Maya and Aztec er lands.

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