The Death of Hope | Live From The Lair

The elites don’t know it, but they’ve already sown the seeds of their undoing.
#TerrencePopp #CultureWar #DeathofHope
Edited by Sogo
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New Amerika is an evil place. She treats my brothers like scum and the time is coming when Ms. Amerika will have to answer for her malevolence.
Well, if more judges did to that to men's kids, I'd expect a lot of dead judges, but hey, we meme that shit. There used to call judges quick to sentence men to death, "hanging judges" out in the Wild West... let's remake the meme of hanging judges into a visual one... a visual description. Huh? Not get out of it without craziness taking place? Popp, please... we got a raging fire in Commiefornia: That's a unlimited body disposal unit er factory... the fire.... Think mob justice. Shoot or cut their legs and leave to face the approaching fires. I mean I am surprised the death toll is not that high especially with all these cheating wives...
2.3 firearms per person... that's too low/ Let's get those numbers up dammit!
Ah man... I was about to... Well, let's see Robby Kennedy gets done...
Well, women are the same: Meet one or two of them and you know the er their Hive Mind. No need to participate any more; beside, they have been screaming at us "they don't need a man" let alone want one and calling us "You're a Fucking White man!" Yeah, we are: you might not be as stupid as I originally thought.