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the Darwin awards

Published on 19 May 2024 / In Film & Animation

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Drums_McBashington 2 months ago

That guy stopped that fully loaded blue truck with his bare hands. his mind.

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Drums_McBashington 2 months ago

...and then another one tries. People gotta stop believing movies.

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Drums_McBashington 2 months ago

@Drums_McBashington: ...and a third. Takes one to the jewels.

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That IDIOT at 3.40 - playing boy racer on his motorbike - using all of the road width, in blind low speed corners... And SURPRISE - out of the blue, from the other direction, around the blind corner, comes a truck.

Whack! - Straight into it...

On a bike like that - probably doing 20 Kmh would have been a sensible thing, you know the speed that the truck is crawling along at, from the other direction - as well as staying in his own side of the road, as well as being prepared to jump if someone coming the other way is going to cut into his side of the corner..

There is something very sensible about patience..

Making haste slowly.

I also developed a riding rule - especially for roads like that.

Keep your speed at least down to half that, of your visible stopping distance.

Maybe three times that, or more, on a road with blind corners.

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pathologicalimbicile 2 months ago

music: Swing Republic

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I can't get over just how fucking stupid these Asian cunts are....

Wide open road.

Clear sunny day.

One idiot in the proper lane heading in the right direction.

One idiot in the wrong lane, heading in the wrong direction.

And they can both EASILY see each other.

They both have plenty of time to hit the brakes and stop or maneuver.

But they don't do anything except have a what looks to be having a fatal head on.

My brain just blew a fuse....

The Stupid. It Burns.

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pathologicalimbicile 2 months ago

Asian traffic culture would be a beast of a Darwin compilation

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@pathologicalimbicile: These cunts are so stupid...... it's like jogging through a park and running straight into the only BIG tree in the area.... and saying "I didn't see it." - IT JUST DOES MY HEAD IN....

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